sixth chapter

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Ten years

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Ten years

Dear diary,

Today was great! We had a special day in school, where we played soccer in teams we could choose! But I'll start from the beginning.

Today is Saturday, and yesterday our school principal told us about this special day. If I understood it right, it's a charity event for the school. It's all about a match between different teams and our parents or other people can say how much money they'll donate for every match their chosen team will win.
My parents weren't there. Mum couldn't make it because of her job and my Dad, well actually I don't know but he's on "vacation" for a few days. Whatever this means. Mum said he'll be back tomorrow.

Luckily, we could choose our team which has to consult of between five and six members. It's just for fun so we don't play with eleven players like it's used to be in official games. Well, not just for fun, but it's nothing professional. And since we have Chan who plays soccer since a few years and Minho, Felix and Jeongin who are really sport-active, we had our hopes up. And Seungmin and I, well we're not that into sports but together with the others we won so many matches!

It felt amazing. We shoot one goal after another, kept winning and kept shining. Every group was aware of us, but nobody was angry or something. We all laughed and shouted the same as the other teams.

Then at the end we were in the finals! Isn't it soooooo cool?

And you know what's even cooler? The last game was hard. Very difficult to handle, the other team and we were on similar levels, every time they made a goal, we made one right after. Twenty minutes later it was 5:5. We only played for twenty minutes the whole time, but we needed a winner team. This is why, we got five more minutes. Innie was so exhausted, like every of us, but every one of us wanted to win so desperately. So, we ran and ran between the goals, over the grass so fast like we would fly.

And then, when we all were exhausted and only got two minutes left to make a point, we ran closer to the opponent's goal. I was the one in the front, Chris left behind at our goal and Minho stole the ball from the other team. This was our chance. The only chance left, and Minho was in charge to make it. I locked eyes with him, while I was standing close to where the ball should be in a few seconds. I breathed heavily and waited for a sign. Where would he shoot?

Minho shot, I ran. I caught the ball with my left foot and shoot it right into the goal! The goalkeeper wasn't fast enough!

Isn't that soo cool? I was the one shooting the important goal?! I made the point we needed the most!!!

Without thinking twice, I ran towards Minho, who was also running to me. We hugged us. Everyone shouted and screamed full of joy my whole team hugged us, until we fell to the ground, still laughing. We are so clumsy, when all six of us are together, but I really love it that way!

It was really cool, but something was strange. As soon as I touched Minho, something felt weird. I was not that happy. I wasn't sad. It was just weird. Not a bad weird, but unusual. A weird feeling inside my stomach. I've never experienced that before... it was just strange. But I'm sure I was just overwhelmed or something.

For now, all I know is, that it was an amazing day! It was such a nice experience and I'll surely never forget it! And I'll forever show off in front of Chan-Hyung that I was the one making that point :))

I'll need to rest because I must study tomorrow. We'll write a test soon...

Bye bye!

Till whenever,

Yours, Jisungie


hey, I'm back!

sorry for disappearing but as I said last time, something happened I wasn't in the mood... but it's really better now, so I'll try to update more. I planned to update every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or Sunday from now on.

how do you like this chapter? do you think Jisung will figure out what the 'weird feeling' is?

don't forget to vote and comment <33

have a great day or night! I love you all

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