Uh, Hi

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Alice shuffled around her deceased friends house. Friend may have been a stretch, the 'Dirt Farmer' as everyone called him, he didn't have friends. But when Alice rocked up on his doorstep because her family had been murdered by ghosts he kind of had no choice. She wouldn't call him a father figure by any means, he left her to do her own thing, providing food, shelter, a stupid amount of knowledge about ghosts and a urge to chase after the unexplainable.

She was looking for the trap with the either the Key-Master or Gate-Keeper in it, she didn't know which one, he died before he could tell her. She kicked the armchair, frustrated, when she heard a car door slam.
"Pheebs, be a dear and break into your grandfathers house" she heard a woman say
Alice didn't know what to do, she stood frozen in the living room.

"Nice." A blonde woman said, walking in
She saw Alice standing in the living room
"Who are you?" The blonde lady asked
"Oh, I'm, hi, I'm Alice" she said, smiling awkwardly "I lived here"
"You lived here, with my father" the lady asked
"I'm assuming this is your fathers house so yes" she nodded
"Well, hi, I'm Callie" she said
Alice waved and just stood awkwardly

"Oh, boy." Callie said, looking around
Her daughter, who Alice assumed was Pheebs.
She heard Callie scoff
"Not a single photo."
Someone else came barging though the door
"You gotta see the gold mine of junk I found out back." The boy said
He was maybe around her age and almost identical to his sister
"Great" Callie sighed

The boy looked around
"Oh, my God, this is so much worse than I thought it was gonna be."
He then saw Alice just standing in the living room
"Uh, hi" he said awkwardly
She gave him the weird nod that you give people when your uncomfortable

The town started shaking as it did, Alice just sighed and sat down
"Under the dining table now!" Callie yelled, crawling under the table "Phoebe."

"Remember that summer we died under a table?" The son said "And watched a stranger get crushed"
"Of course this place is built on a fault line." Callie mumbled, getting out from under the table

"Probably just fracking." Phoebe? Said
She assumed her name wasn't Pheebs
"It's fracking annoying, is what it is." Callie grumbled

"It's okay, we're only here for a week." The son said
"Um, give or take." Callie mumbled
"What does that mean?"
"It means we're staying."
"You said we'd only be here for a week!" The son exclaimed

"Yeah, well, that was before we got evicted." Callie told him
"You said you had money saved up." He told her
"That was before I had children." She yelled back at him, looking at the other side of the room
"To be fair, you've never been good with money." Phoebe told her
"Thanks, Pheebs."

Phoebe looked under the armchair and grabbed something. She showed it to her brother
"What's that?" He asked
"How am I supposed to know?" She told him, she turned to Alice "you live here, do you know what it is?"
"She lives here?" The boy asked
Alice looked to see her holding the P.K.E Meter

"P.K.E Meter" she told them truthfully "I don't know what it does or what it stands for"
That second but was a lie, they clearly didn't know who their grandfather was

They heard the door open
"Can I help you?" Janine said walking in
Alice hadn't met the woman but she had seen old photos of her and she looked pretty identical.
"Um, hi. We're... We're the, um... The... This was my father's place." Callie told her
"Hi." Janine said to the kids
"Hi." Both the kids said at the same time

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