Im Gonna Throw Up

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Alice must've fallen asleep because she was woken up to the garage doors opening.
"Uh, hello?" She called out, not knowing who it was
"Oh, um, I didn't think anyone was in here" Trevors voice said
"Well, wasn't my first choice of sleeping arrangement" she laughed
He laughed uncomfortably

"Cool car" he said
"Yeah, been trying to fix it up for years but I don't know jackshit about cars and I didn't want to ruin it so I've just been keeping it clean" she told him "any reason your here?"
"Oh, I was actually comping here to see if I could get it running again" he told her
"Go for it" she told him

Alice sat in the passenger seat as he tinkered around in the engine, she didn't really know what her was doing.
"Hey Trevor" she called
"Yeah?" He asked
"Does Lucky know your 15" she asked him
He banged his head in the hood of the car
"How did you know"
"I'm like besties with your sister dude" she answered him
He just sighed and got in the drivers seat.

"Okay." He said, putting the keys into the ignition
Whatever clicked when you turned on a car clicked
"Ugh, come on!" Trevor groaned
He rested his head on the dashboard
"Come on, you can do this." He told the car slapping the wheel
He turned the key again and the engine spluttered

"Come on, darling" he sighed
The ignition clicked, she remembered what it was called and the engine roared to life
"Yes!" He yelled, excitedly hitting the steering wheel and Alice
"Good one dude!" She laughed

The hood of the car slammed down, making Trevor pause. The door was open into the field of grass. The two looked at each other. Alice shrugged but smiled and Trevor put his foot on the pedal. The car took off with a lurch, making her stomach drop.
"Yes!" Trevor yelled as the pelted around the field

They drove around of a while, ripping up the grass and just having a lot of fun. Trevor was yelling excitedly and Alice was just happy the car was working again.
"Shit!" She heard Trevor yell
She looked to the front of the car and saw a dirt hill approaching.
Alice screamed and grabbed the sleeve of his shirt as the car was airborne for a moment, before it came crashing back down if the road.

"Holy shit" she gasped
"Sorry" he said, breathless
"That was fun" she told him "maybe next time just look where your going"
She patted his arm.
Phoebe and her friend walked over
"Hey." She said
Alice waved at the two
"This is Podcast." Phoebe introduced her friend to her brother "He... He's my friend."

"You have a friend?" Her brother asked
"You have a car?" Phoebe asked him
"Yeah, it's a Cadillac." Trevor told her
"The Ecto-1" Alice told them "what your grandfather and his friends use to drive around"
"The ghostbusters" Phoebe said
"I knew you'd figure it out" Alice told her

"Hey, dude. We need a ride." Podcast asked  "Do you know how to drive?"
He was cut off by his sister
"He doesn't. He failed his driver's test three times."
Her brother glared at her
"Get in the back." Her told the twelve year olds

They started to drive off in the car
"So, what the hell is going on?" Trevor asked his sister
"In the 1980s, New York City was attacked. " Phoebe started

"I know the Manhattan ghost stories." Trevor told her
"Their not stories"
"The stories are real."
Alice and Phoebe spoke at the same time
"Yeah, and so were the guys who climbed a building and saved the world and fought back an invading army of the undead." Phoebe continued
"Not to mention a 100-foot marshmallow man." Podcast added

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