Now What Do We Do

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"Phoebe?" They heard Callies voice as they entered the house "Pheebs?"
"Mom?" Phoebe called back "Mom?"
Callie turned around to look at her daughter with  menacing look
"There is no Mom. There is only Zuul." A deep, gravely voice came out Callies mouth
"Shit" Slice groaned
"Mom, are you okay?" Phoebe asked

"There is no Mom. There is only Zuul." The voice repeated
Callies chest heaved up and down as Trevor and Lucky came in
"What's happening right now?" Podcast asked
"Mom?" Phoebe called
"Is she okay?" Trevor asked

Callie gasped and jumped up onto her feet and bent over to be eye level with podcast.
"Are you the Keymaster?" She asked him, stroking the boys cheek.
"Um, I don't know." He told her quietly
"Mom!" Phoebe yelled
"What do I do?" Podcast whispered in a panic
"Mom, stop!" Phoebe yelled again

Callie jumped away and out the window, smashing it into little glass shards.
"Whoa!" Podcast gasped
The group ran out the door.
"Mom!" Phoebe yelled at her mum who was running into the desert.

"What the hell is going on?" Lucky asked them
"What is all this?" Podcast asked, lifting up wires that were buried into the ground
"This isn't a farm." Phoebe told him "It's a trap."

They all made their way to the basement room that had all the stuff they needed. Alice had shown them the model her friend had built.
"This is what he's been working on all those years." Phoebe observed
"Building this model?" Revere asked
"No, there giant trap" Alice told him
"The detail is amazing." Lucky said, bending over the look closer at the model

"No, he came here to finish what the original!Ghostbusters started." Phoebe said "to trap Gozer..."
"Out in that dirt field." Trevor said
"Exactly." Phoebe smiled "These big silos act as a capacitor."
"What's a capacitor?" He asked

"Would it kill you to read?" Phoebe asked
"Would it kill you to just tell me?" Trevor snapped
"Once activated, these towers can hold a charge for one moment. But in that one moment, they can power hundreds of traps." Phoebe said
"So how do we get Gozer into the field?" Lucky asked

"Gozer's protected by two evil spirits. The Keymaster and the Gatekeeper. She needs both of them. No Gatekeeper, no Gozer. First these spirits must possess two human souls." Phoebe said

"Like Mom." Trevor said grimly
"So they can unite... formally." Phoebe said, uncomfortably
"What are we talking about?" Trevor asked
"We're thinking at least third base." Podcast said
"Moms getting boinked" Alice said
"Go, Mom." Lucky said.


Alice was hunting for the proton packs and traps with Phoebe and Podcast
"Got anything?" He asked
"No, just more stupid guns." Phoebe said, throwing the gun back onto the shelf
Alice found a blocked off part of the room. She shook the bars, trying to see how sturdy they were. You wouldn't be able to break these with anything they could get their hands on.
"A jail inside a jail." Podcast mumbled, walking over

"What are you talking about?" Phoebe asked
She saw what they were looking for in the jail in a jail.
"No, no, no!" She cried, shaking the bars like Alice did
"It's an ANSI Class One electromagnetic deadbolt." Phoebe sighed
"I believe in you." Podcast said encouragingly
"It's unpickable." Phoebe told him

He sighed before reaching to the cell, flipping up the cover of the button on the remote that opens the trap
"What are you doing?" Phoebe asked
"I have a plan." He to her
The trap opened and muncher flew out, stopping at the bars. He was still for a moment before ripping the bars open, eating what he ripped and flying away. The door slowly swung open. They grabbed what they needed and ran to find Trevor and Lucky.
"Come on. Let's go." Trevor yelled as the he saw them
He was in the Ecto-1 and Lucky was in one of her dads police cars
"Okay." Trevor asked  "Ready?"
"I'll be waiting." Lucky told them.

They shot out the garage, police siren wailing and the Ecto-1 following until they broke off from her and made their way to the mountain.


Alice, Phoebe, Trevor and Podcast all crouched behind a rock. A temple looking structure was on the other side of the rock.
"That's my mom." Phoebe said, looking over the rock. They all craned their necks to look. Gozer stepped out into her throne

Callie and Mr Grooberson, who much be the other Key-Master/ Gate-Keeper, got down onto their knees and growled. The kids behind the rocks all glanced at each other quickly before looking back at the two adults. Callie and Mr Grooberson were convulsing. Everyone watch in horror as the two adults transformed into giant, scaly dog like creatures.

"Your Eminence. Goddess of Gods. I have built this temple for you, so that you might return to Earth... and together... we... We can rule the world." Gozer told her pets.
Phoebe got up, setting their plan in motion, Alice and Trevor snuck back to the car, getting ready to run for it.

"Excuse me." She heard Phoebe say
Gozer was silent
"Uh..." she stuttered "P-pardon me."
Gozer must've acknowledged her. Alice watched Podcast set up the trap on wheels, ready to save Callie
"Yeah, hi. Uh..." Phoebe was still struggling "Uh... What do you call a fish with no eyes?"
More awkward silence
"A fsh..." she dragged out the 'sh' sounds
It took all of Alice's power not to laugh. Phoebe chuckled slightly

"Uh... A whale... There's two whales in a bar. One of them goes" Phoebe did a perfect impression of a whale "And then the other one goes: Go home. You're drunk."
Trevor rolled his eyes at his sisters joked

"Uh..." Phoebe was getting Ancie "Okay. Uh... So a grasshopper walks into a bar... and the bartender's like: We have a drink named after you. Then the grasshopper's like: You have a drink named Steve?"

"Have you come to offer yourself in sacrifice?" Gozers metallic sounding voice asked
"What?" Phoebe asked
"Are you prepared to die?"
"No, I'm 12." Phoebe told her "Are you?"
Podcast opened the trap from underneath the Key-Master, sucking the demon dog into it, leaving Callie laying on the floor.
Alice helped to drag Callie to the car, Phoebe came running over and they made their way as fast as they could it the mountain that was falling to pieces.


Word Count: 1087
Sorry for the short chapter but we only have one left, yaya

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