I Think Ya'll Would Classify As Uncles

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Alice could hear the siren of the car that Lucky was in waiting for them at the entrance to town
"Wait, wait. What's going on?" Callie asked, walking up
"Hey!" Trevor called to him mum from the front seat
"What's happening? Where am I?" She asked frantically

"It's okay." Phoebe told her "You were possessed."
"But now your in a car" Alice told her "specifically your dads ghost hunting car"
"Possessed?" Callie asked, still hung up on that fact
"Then you turned into a dog." Podcast told her "Then you got humpy."

"Humpy?" Callie asked
"Jesus dude" Alice sighed
"Hold on!" Trevor yelled, taking the sharpest possible turn around the corner
"Oh, Phoebe. Phoebe. There's this secret basement..." Callie started telling her daughter
"We know." Phoebe told her

"...with computers and equipment." Callie continued
"Isn't that place insane?" Podcast asked
"Yes!" Callie agreed "And it seemed like he had a plan."
"We're aware." Phoebe said
"Oh. Oh. And there were all these photos of me. Like he was tracking my entire life." Callie finished her rambled

"How rewarding." Phoebe told her "Super news. We wanna hear about it. Yeah, but we're trying to save the world."
"Okay. Cool. I'm in. Uh, how can I help?" Callie asked

"No!" Trevor yelled, almost veering of the path, trying to avoid getting flipped by Mr Grooberson
"What the hell was that?" Callie asked
"That was your boyfriend Gary." Podcast told her
"Inside that trap is the Gatekeeper." Alice told her, looking back at the three in the back of the car

"If the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster reunite..." Phoebe said
Callie was extremely out of the loop but there wasn't anytime to explain because their old friend muncher was coming straight for them
"Phoebe" Alice Called, pointing at the blue creature
"One second." She told her mum

Phoebe pulled the lever and shot out the side of the car in the gunners seat. The shot at the ghost with the proton pack, catching it in the stream
"Phoebe." Callie said in shock "You're... You're..."

"I'm a scientist." Phoebe told her
Podcast had found another trap on wheels and had caught the ghost
"Oh. We got her!" He yelled
"Yes!" Trevor exclaimed
"This was Grandpa's plan." Phoebe told her mum, bringing the seat back into the car

They were almost at the house
"Coming in hot!" Trevor told them, churning on the breaks.
The car skidded to a halt with everyone inside letting out an ear splitting scream. The car shudders when it stopped and once everyone had caught their breath they jumped out the car. Callie looked around in shock at the the exposed wires

"Mom, come on!" Phoebe yelled, running to the veranda
"Get back. Get back." She heard Callie yelled to Phoebe
Alice was still at the car, grabbing one of the spare proton packs. The grass was being parted as someone was walking through it.
"No, no, no." Callie started as Phoebe walked towards the grass
Alice could see electricity sparks threw the grass so she could tell who it was.
"Gozer" she mumbled

Trevor who was fumbling around with something in the car turned to look at her
"Huh?" He asked
Alice pointed to Gozer who was now emerging from the grass. Phoebe held out the trap with the Key-master in it. Gozer walked toward the girl and Alice got ready to power up the Proton pack. Gozer was now walking over the top of the traps
"Pull the lever." Phoebe called to her mum

The cylinder things that powered the traps sparked, Alice could hear the traps powering up.
"Aah!" Lucky yelled, kicking open the door, holding another proton pack. The shot at Gozer, the stream wrapping around the god. Alice tired to set hers off but all it did was spark.
"Shit!" She yelled
"Hey!" Podcast yelled "Come on, what are you waiting for?"

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