The World Is Gonna End

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"Jamoca." Mr Grooberson said, grabbing the ice-cream "There we go."
The two walked to the area with the the topping and shit
"Strawberry, red velvet... Blue velvet?" Mr Grooberson continued talking to himself "Alice, what do you want"
She didn't answer, she was too busy watching a bag of marshmallows move around like something was trapped inside it. The man walked over to her and watched the bag move around. Something eventually poked a hole in the plastic from the inside. From the bag rose a tiny marshmallow man. Slowly more and more made their way out the bad, and all the other bags of marshmallows began to rip open.

One of the mini marshmallow men walked towards the edge of the shelf. Mr Grooberson held out his hand to the tiny thing.
"Careful" she warned him
He poked the mini marshmallow man in the stomach with cause the marshmallow to bite him on said finger
"Aah! Ah." He yelled, yanking his finger away from the marshmallow
The two continued to watch as the marshmallows climes around on the shelves.

They noticed the critters in other isles of the shops as they walked around, some turned on a barbecue, melting each other, others were cooking each other into s'mores. She even saw one get blended up.
"Fucking brutal" she mumbled under her breath.
Mr Grooberson agreed with her, they tried to get all the marshmallow people off them, one cling onto Alice's hair, which she had to yank out. She ditched the marshmallow across the isle shelves.

They heard a woman scream from somewhere else in the supermarket. The two ran over to where they heard the scream from, not to see anyone. What they did see was a big scaly dog, the key-master or gate-keeper, pigging out on some dog food. Alice and Mr Grooberson looked at each other and started to back away slowly. Alice somehow slipped on a eviscerated marshmallow man. At the same time Mr Grooberson was run into by some marshmallows on a vacuum
"Shit!" They both exclaimed as the dog turned to face them.

"Hey..." Mr Grooberson said weakly
The dog roared at them and the two ran for their life. She wasn't sure when they spilt up but they were now separated. Alice had run further into the shop while Mr Grooberson must've turned off somewhere else. Alice crept back to the front doors to see they were smashed open. She looked out into the car park and saw Mr Groobersons car. Neither the dog or him anywhere to be found.

She walked over to the car. There was a huge dent on the car bonnet but that was it for née damage done to the car. There wasn't any blood or anything left of the car.


"Okay, so, what exactly is happening with the map?" Trevor asked as they all sat in the diner
"See the concentric circles around the mountain?" Phoebe asked him
"The circles" Alice told him
"Do you see the circles?" Phoebe asked
"Something's happening inside that old mine." Phoebe told them

"Yeah. I know that. It's pretty obvious." Trevor told her, rolling his eyes
"So I did some digging on the word you heard in the mountain. Gozer." Phoebe said
"You did some digging?" Podcast asked
"Gozer was a Sumerian god who once walked amongst the living." Phoebe started telling them

"Gozer was originally worshiped as a god by the Hittites, Mesopotamians, and the Sumerians around 6000 BC. They had two trusted minions, that were harbingers of destruction and primary agents for its arrival, Vinz Clortho, The Keymaster and Zuul, The Gatekeeper." Alice recited from her memory "In order for Gozer to rise up and walk the human plane again, they had to assume the form of beasts."

They all looked at her in shock
"What, I know my evil deities"
"A soul-eating, flame-dripping deity of evil." Phoebe simplified "And I think it wants back."
"Here?" Lucky asked
"I know. I would've picked Orlando." Podcast told them
"What does the name Ivo Shandor mean to you guys?" Phoebe asked them

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