The Date

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"Babe you ready?" Dean asked as he leaned against the wall outside the bedroom door.

"Yeah, just putting the finishing touches on!" Willow called out.

Once she was done she walked to the door and opened it.

"I'm ready." She smiles at him but her smile fades when she seen the look on Dean's face. "What? Is something wrong with what I'm wearing?" She asked as she smoothed out her red sleek dress that went down to right above her knees.

Dean was standing there staring at her like someone just smacked him.
He finally snapped out of his trance, swallowed and breathed out "My God, you're so beautiful." While rubbing the back of his neck.

Willow smiled as she blushed a little, "Why thank you, you're not so bad yourself."

She straightened his tie a little then planted a kiss onto his lips.

"Well let's go sir." She smiled as she grabbed his hand and led him down the stairs.

"Shouldn't I be leading you?" He chuckled lightly.

"Yeah well you seemed to be too mesmerized." She giggled.

"Hey I couldn't help it." He snorted.

Once they got to the car he opened passenger door for her and she climbed in.

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see once we get there." He smirked then lean in and kisses her.

He got into the driver's seat than started driving after starting the Impala.
Once they got to their destination Dean looked over at Willow and it was her turn to be mesmerized by the sight in front of her.

A small area of the meadow had been transformed into a what looked like the outside of a cafe. There was a small table with a candle on it while surrounded by sting of glowing lights.

"Oh my God Dean! This is beautiful, when did you have time to do this?" She asked as they walked up.

"I had help." He motioned his head to the left & there stood some of the guys that worked for him.

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