Oh Baby

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3 months later

Willow woke up and ran for the bathroom and threw up. She's been doing it for the past month and she can't figure out why.

"Babe, you okay?" Dean sighed as he walked in and held her hair back.

"I think so." She groaned "I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't seem to keep anything down."

"Maybe you should go see a doctor." He suggested as she stood up and began washing her mouth out.

"That thought has crossed my mind, believe me. But I hate going to the doctors." 

"I know, but maybe they can figure out what's going on and help stop the nausea." He rubbed his hand through his hair. 

"Yeah maybe so." She nodded sighing.

"Well I've got to go, got things to do today." He smiles lightly and wraps his arms around around her waist, "You going to be okay here by yourself feeling like this?"

She sighed and looked at him, putting her hands on his chest, "It's only nausea, I'm not dying nor am I helpless." She smiled and kissed his lips.

He kissed her back, pulled away, "Okay, sorry." He then kisses her again. "I'll see you later babe." 

And with that he walked out of the house. Willow drank some water and ate some crackers. She knew it wasn't too early to set up an appointment but she was dreading it. Every time someone she knew went to the doctors they ended up with bad news and she didn't want to be one of them.

She finally decided to call about 30 minutes later to see about an appointment. Unfortunately they had no openings until the following week and she didn't want to wait that long. Willow decided to go take a shower knowing the steam from the shower usually makes her feel better. After she was done, she got ready for the day, she had decided instead of just making an appointment she'd just got to one of the walk-in clinics figuring they couldn't be that bad.

After she had seen the nurse then the doctor she had to wait in the room. Once the doctor finally came back she sat up some waiting for him to tell her what could possibly be wrong with her.

"Please don't tell me I have cancer or something like that." She pleaded.

"Oh no, your condition is definitely  not cancer." He smiled, "Its good news, I promise." He hands her the paper in his hand. "After running some tests, we found out you're." 

"Pregnant?!" She exclaimed cutting the doctor off as she seen what it said on the paper. "But I've always been told I can't have kids."

"Well consider this a miracle then." He shrugs one shoulder, "Now with your medical history, you'll have to be cautious with this pregnancy." She nodded at his response.

When Willow was a young teen her step-father raped her multiple times throughout her teenage years, when she got pregnant by him, he beat her so bad it messed her up internally. After the disaster he caused to her, her mom blamed it all on Willow saying she should have never slept with him thinking she was willing to have sex with him. Willows dad got custody of her after her mom threw her out. Thankfully she didn't have to live in the same town as her mom so she never seen her again. 

Willow sat in her car, hands gripping the stirring wheel wondering how she was going to tell Dean they were going to be having a baby. They never discussed anything about having kids.  Every time she went to bring it up he'd either change the subject or something else would interrupt them before they really got into the conversation. She then smiled and came up with a good plan on how she would tell him. She went to the store and picked up everything she would need. 

She made  a pizza but arranged the pepperoni's to say "Hi daddy" then decided to also make an apple pie but with the words "Oh baby" on the top. She was hoping he would get the hints and wouldn't hate the fact the were going to parents. She stood against the counter rubbing her hand on her stomach as Dean walked in.

"Hey baby." He smiles and kisses her, "Everything okay? And is that." He takes a big whiff, "Apple pie I'm smelling." 

"That it is, I decided to make one for you tonight." She grins.

"Wow you must be feeling better. Oh hey did you ever get to see a doctor today?" He asks and she nodded, "How'd that go?"

"Well sit down and I'll tell you all about it." 

He does as she says and she sits the pizza down on the table by him, "I even made a pizza today, I haven't cut it yet though." She sits the pizza cutter by him, "I'll let you do the honors as I grab the pie and our drinks." 

She sits the pie on the table then grabs him a beer while grabbing herself a glass of milk.

"Uhm babe?" He asks as she sits the beer in front of him.

"Hmm?" She holds in a a smile as she sits down. 

"Why does these say hi daddy and oh baby on them?" He asks with a raised eyebrow while pointing at them and looking at her.

She took a deep breath and smiles "Well." She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, "This should tell you since you're not getting what trying to say with the pies." She smirked as she hands him the paper.

After he takes it, he unfolds it, reads  then looks back and forth from her and the paper.  "Are you, are you, we're....expecting a baby?" He finally gasped out the words.

He stood up quickly, walks out of the kitchen as if he was pissed at the fact she was pregnant. Right as tears came to Willows eyes, realizing this isn't what Dean wanted. He came storming back in and right up to her. As he whipped her chair around to face him she flinched thinking he was getting ready to start hitting her. He just smiled grabbing her into a hug. 

"Oh my, baby." She squealed.

He then started spinning her around "This is amazing!" He exclaimed. 

"Wait you're not mad?" She questioned as pushed herself away a little so she could look him in his face.

"What? Of course I'm not mad. Why would I be mad?" He looks at her confused as he sets her back on the floor. 

"Well." She bites her bottom lip then continues, "Every time I brought the subject up of kids you'd change the subject. And then you stormed out like you did when you found out." 

He chuckled, "Oh I was just so excited I couldn't help it." 

"Okay good." 

They then kissed passionately.  

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