Where is it?

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Willow woke up and noticed Dean wasn't in bed, she looked at the clock and noticed it was after 9am.

"Holy shit, I must have needed the sleep." She rubbed her hands over her face.

She got up, put her house robe on and went downstairs. It had been a couple weeks since her and Dean last fought. She figured she'd just give up on trying to get him to walk away, she knew it would never work.
As she was getting ready to fix herself some breakfast, there was knock on the door.

"Hmm." She went and looked out the window but didn't recognize the person. She opened the door, "Hello? May I help you?"

"Uh yeah, is Dean here?"

"No, he's usually never home around this time. Who are you?"

"Clint, I'm a client, I guess you could say, of Dean's."

"Oh, well then you should know that the best way to contact him is through the office or his phone. He never brings his work here. Wait, how did you know where he lives?"

"I have my ways, and I don't believe he doesn't bring it here. I need help and you're going to help me."

"I'm sorry but I don't know how I'd be able to help you."

"See you're wrong." He shrugged one shoulder "Not going to invite me in so you can help me?"

"No sorry." She shook her head "Like I told you."

She was cut off by him grabbing her throat. "You are going to help me bitch." Still holding onto her he moved back and quickly shut the door.

"Please stop." She said as she tried to breath.

"See you're going to help me by getting Dean to help me get want I want, correction, what I need." He tells her as he ties her to a chair.

"Please don't do this." She pleaded.

"But first, I know you people have money and drugs around here. I just know it." He says, ignoring her pleads.

"All the money we have here is what's in my purse." She motioned her head on the table where her purse was sitting, "But I promise he doesn't keep that other stuff around here."

"Yeah right." He groaned as he went through her purse and took all her money. "Where is the rest you have here?"

"I told you." She was cut off by him slapping her face making her shriek.

"Bullshit! Where is it?!"

"I don't know!" She cried out.

"I don't believe you!" He looks down at her stomach "I Know how to get you to talk." He smirked, pulled out his knife and held it to her stomach.

"No no no please no!" She cried harder.

"Tell me where it is or I'll cut you and this baby!"

"I don't know!"

"Hmm, not gonna help huh?" He then ran the knife lightly across her belly making a small incision. "I can go deeper than that."

"Ahh!" She flinched and shrieked then began shaking her head no.

"Fuck this, I guess I'll just have to search every where then." He groaned as he grabbed a bandana and tied it around her mouth. "Stay here." He chuckled knowing she wouldn't be able to move.

He then began looking all around the house. He found what he was looking for, smirked "I knew the bitch was lying."
He went back to the dining room where he had her. "What do you know, guess what I found." He clicked his tongue against the top of his mouth as he held up the bag.

Her eyes went wide as she truly didn't know Dean had brought some of his work home.

"I knew you were lying because how can you be with someone, live with them and not know where their stuff is." He shook his head "This is going to cost you. Wouldn't have if only you told me from the beginning but nooo you had to go and lie."

He then started punching her face, making her pass out. As he moved his hand back again he heard a car engine so he quickly looked and seen Dean's car pulling in. "Fuck."

He started to head towards the back of the house but stopped, "Years ago he took something of mine away, so it's only right I take something of his." He then stabbed Willows belly.

He quickly went out the back door right as Dean walked in.

"Willow! Babe, I'm home!" He called out as he tossed his keys into a bowl by the front door.

As he went to walk into the kitchen is when he noticed her

"Willow!" He screamed as he ran towards her and quickly started untying her. "Who did this?!" He took her in his arms as he pulled out his phone and called 911. "Please stay with me baby." He said through his tears to her.

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