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It had been a few days since Willow's attack,  she was still in the hospital because she kept going in and out of consciousness. Dean stayed by her side the whole time, holding her hand, hoping she would wake up for good. 

"Please babe, please be okay." He said through tears in his eyes then kissed her hand but left it against his face.

After a few more hours Willow started waking up for good. She looked around then seen Dean. 

"Dean?" She questioned groggily.

"Willow!" He quickly stood up and kissed her forehead. "Thank goodness your awake and talking."

"What...what happened?" 

He sighed, "You were attacked."

"Oh my God! Our baby!" She cried out as her hands went to her stomach and she felt the bandage.

"I'm sorry Willow." He sniffled.

"He...he....he killed our baby?!" She cried out as he set on the edge of the bed facing her.

"I'm sorry."

"This is all your fault Dean! I told you something like this was going to happen and you didn't listen!" She cried.

"I know, I'm sorry." He wrapped her into a hug, she wanted to push him away but she was too weak so she just cried into his chest. "I'm going to find the bastard who did this to you Willow. And he's going to pay." He tells her as he rubbed the back of her head. 

She finally got enough strength to get out of his arms and pushed him away, "Get out, just get out." She groaned, gritting her teeth.

"Willow, no." 

"I said go Dean! Leave me alone, I can't be around you right now." She cried out.

Dean looked at her, "Fine, if this is what you really want." She nodded her head not looking at him, "Goodbye Willow. I love you." He sighs rubbing his hand over head then walks out with his fists balled. He really didn't want to leave her side but didn't want to cause her anymore stress.

She just laid back, put her hands over her face and began crying more. She didn't hate him, just hated what he does is what caused her situation to happen.

After a week in the hospital she was finally released to go home, although she wasn't sure where she was going to go. She knew she had to at least go back to Dean's place to get her things. She had called her brother, Castiel, to see if she could stay with him but unfortunately he had no room because he lived in a one bedroom apartment. She was just grateful he was able to come to the hospital and pick her up.

"Hey." Castiel said when he walked into Willow's hospital room and seen her sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Hey." She smiles a little at him as she stood up.

"You ready to go?"

"Not quite, I have a problem Cas." She says as she grabs a hold of her hospital gown. 

"Oh? And what would that be?" He asked confused.

"I uh, I have nothing to wear. I came in with bloody clothing and I surely ain't going to leave here wearing those. Plus I think they tossed them, which I say good because I don't want them back. They'll just remind me of that horrible day." She closed her eyes, took a deep breath then opened her eyes back up.

"Oh." He smirked, "I had a feeling that would be a problem so that's why I brought this." He brought his hand out from behind his back to reveal a bag with some clothes and some shoes.

"Eek thank you so much." She said as happily as she could, "How'd you get these anyways?" She asked as she took the bag from him.

"Uhm well." He rubbed the back of his neck, "They were Lilly's clothes, she had left them at my place."

"Wait these are your ex's clothes? Seriously?" She started to hand the bag back but stopped.

"I knew you two were the same size and I figured you needed something to wear and this was the only thing I knew to get without going to him." 

"Oh." She nodded once "Well let me get changed and we can go." She walked into the bathroom and put the clothes on which consisted of black yoga pants and a long light sweater. "I think these are a little snug on me." She sighs as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, sorry." He sighs "Maybe she was smaller than you." 

"Well I have gained a few pounds considering." She sighed not wanting to finish the sentence.

Castiel seen the look on her face and walked over to her "Shh you don't have to finish that. It'll be okay, I know its all too hard on you." She nodded and they walked out of the hospital. 

"So have you found out where you're staying?" Castiel asks as he starts driving, "Look I'm sorry about not being able to stay with me. It's just I only have a one bedroom place and my landlord doesn't allow for anyone to stay there that's not on the lease. The most you can stay is two days." 

"Hey don't worry about it, it's okay." She says patting his shoulder lightly, "I understand." She shrugs, "I'm going to the only place I have known for the last few years." 

She started to continue but he stopped her, "No, Willow, no." He shook his head, "That's where everything happened. How are you going to cope knowing something bad happened to you in that house."

"It's not like I have any other choice Cas! I have no where to go. Plus best way to get over my problems is just to face them head on." She shrugged with a reassuring smile. Even though she says that she wasn't sure if she truly believed it would work but she knew she had to at least try.

"You sure you going to be okay?" Castiel asks once he pulls up out front of where Willow was living.

"Yeah, I promise, I doubt I'll be attacked again." She kisses his cheek, "Plus it wont be long before my attacker gets what he deserves." She points to the house, "Dean has cameras set up at the front and the back door. So I'm sure he was caught on camera because one thing I do remember is the guy didn't try to conceal his face." She shrugged "That was his first mistake." 

She then hugs him, kisses his cheek and walks into the house, taking a deep breath seeing everything had been cleaned and looked like nothing happened in the house.

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