chapter 2

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Ein pov:

I slowly open my eyes and saw light 'Am I dead?...' I thought to myself But then heard someone's voice "how long will it take till he wakes up?" The other said "hmm I won't be wrong but he's supposed to wake up today... It's almost a year now" The male had said I tried to sit up from my bed "Woah! Hold on! Stay low, your injury in your chest hasn't fully healed yet!" The female said, "ugh... How-... Ahem... where am I?..." They both looked at me "go explain sis I'll be heading to the kitchen to ready the food" The male said, I looked outside the window beside me... Well, it looks like I'm at a hotel with them... But why? How am I still alive? Was I even supposed to be alive "Hey pal, you know... Your glad I saw you bleeding and still breathing hehe if I haven't made it in time you would have been dead! But seriously I do not know what happened in there the place looks destroyed, a lot of people were injured some still breathing, but not awake at all as all of them were asleep kinda creepy" She said

"Why would you save a random person who you haven't even known yet? Are you that dumb?, you could've saved a very dangerous person you know" I told her "hmm yeah about that, I can open memories and see them, so don't worry I didn't go to one of your personal life memory...yet" She said with an innocent face, I was confused where even am I? where is this place?... 

" Did you both manage to take my body here?" She was silent, for a second "oh, just a few friends of mine helped me out, one of them can manipulate stuff like making objects fly! Like a witch? I dunno" I chuckled, "your one pretty dumb person, but I guess your ability is... Useful..." She made a face that I don't know how to describe "hmm don't make any wrong moves ein, my little brother himself had anger issues but managed to control it, same goes with me, but not trying to brag it too be cool and 'dangerous' it's our sanity if we lost it it's done, but eh, I got suspended last time in my college for pulling out someone's 'secret' for cheating, plus not my fault she cheated on her so-called bf and I'm the bad guy? Hmp" I sighed, I tried to adjust the cloth in me and tried to look at the injury I had, I pulled up my t-shirt and saw bandaids on it "you wanna take it out? See how bad the scar is?" I looked at her and nodded "hmm okay then hold on I'll get the scissors" She opened a drawer and grabbed it

Walked back on me "stay still I don't want it to slice you up" I stayed low and still, now waiting for her to finish

*snip* *snip*

"Done just slowly get up okay?" I followed her advice and slowly got up to look at it when I did, I realized how big it was like an actual giant sliced me in the chest with its claws... Well I mean Aaron was that wolf... Who did this, dammit... I thought everything finally ended, but I guess not, I swear to the damn irene if it repeatedly happens again I'll-

My thoughts suddenly disappear and heard the door open "don't worry it won't happen again...if only we could cure you, but we can't we don't have the materials to cure that potion on you, I know about Michael, the guy threatened my mother before so don't worry the bitch isn't here right now" The male said "oh apologies, my names Cyrus and my sis over there is Valentina" "Oh okay then finally meet some people," "Well both of you get out of this room now, ein slowly get up your injury is still worse it's only healing so be careful" I nodded and did as what they said

[Time skip]

After eating breakfast, I was still in here sitting in my room Pretty much nothing to do, then I heard the door "hello?, oh you're awake, I have something to give you" Val said, she walked towards me and gave me... A phone? "Don't get me wrong but you need one, you can create your social media and others like your own Gmail and stuff but we need to make you a phone number first?" She said, "Oh... thanks"

Maybe... I could trust them

[If you wondering, which fanfic was this on? Why am I finally editing it after a whole month I was gone? Well I tried logging in again and again but I can't so here's me Re-writing it]

The old account that I can't log in to anymore: Axar__starlight You can read it if you want

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