Chapter 9

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The ride back home was silent

Ein insisted to help on the groceries being carried, and while Val parked the car, they finally got in and entered their room

"Hey, didn't you say that Aaron gave you his number?" Val asked, Ein flinched, and turned towards her "uh... Yeah, why?" Val took a minute to respond by opening the plastic bag "aren't you ganna message him? I mean I bought you a new phone, and you made your own personal number so aren't you ganna talk to him?"

Val asked not looking at him, she was organizing the fridge, filling it up with snacks, and drinks, Ein couldn't move to where he was standing he was frozen reconsidering if he should message him or not

He was still shy of the sudden kindness, he couldn't process what just happened but it happened

Finally, Ein decided to move, "You can do whatever you want I'll take care of the groceries," She said and smiled at him Ein didn't respond but went into his bedroom

'What should I say?' He was looking directly at the number, he couldn't say anything, he wasn't sure what to say, after all, Aaron Hates him, for what he did

And Ein knows that he couldn't change that, couldn't change the past, he was spacing out while typing and clicked sent he didn't realize until he looks at what he said


Hello, this is me Elvis, the one you played with at the double game earlier, just wanna say that I'm glad to meet you, hope we can hang out sometime ( ̄∇ ̄)

Ein had to re-read what he just sent, a blush rushed back into his cheeks and made a noise he never knew he'd make "Fuck fuck fuck-"
Ein said repeatedly before he could even delete it, it was finally seen by him it was too late


Hi, thank god I gave you the right number, I couldn't think straight before haha, but glad to meet you too Elvis, and sure we could, are you free this Saturday? ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)

Ein raised a brow, Aaron... Aaron Lycan, the person that hates him the most wants to hang out with him, he couldn't believe it at first, but when he reads it again, it was real, It Was Real

Somehow Eins heart fluttered, he didn't know why but he felt warm
He realized and slapped himself it looks like Val heard "you alright?"
Val shouted from the kitchen "Yeah!" Eins response was fast, but he was so red he couldn't do anything with it

Problem is... What should he say next?


Aaron was all gloomy, Elvis hasn't responded yet, but he didn't mind the guy was nervous to talk, so he didn't blame him, what's questioning him is, that he doesn't even act the way Zane had described Ein was, maybe aph was right? This person isn't Ein at all just a random person who somehow looks a lot like him

Aaron sighed, he looks around but it looks like everyone else was busy, cleaning watching, and cooking Aaron was at the kitchen table his phone buzzed and he turned back really fast, there was finally a reply


Sure, my friend said she was gonna be busy this Saturday and I would be all alone at home tomorrow so sure ^^

Aaron responded fast after the reply was delivered

Glad you could hang out with me, same with me, I'll be left alone for tomorrow, My sister is gonna have a girl's night with everyone at home, and I'm the only guy here, so... Meet you at the nearby park tomorrow? At 4:30?

Aarons's smile grew, and Mellisa noticed, "so~ little brother got a crush?" She teased, Aaron looks at her in confusion "no? Well since I'm gonna be alone tomorrow, I figured I'd hang out with the new fella I meet earlier" Aaron smiled at her

Mellisa was speechless but then coughs "sure... Just be careful?" She said, as if danger was near, Aaron couldn't believe her 'don't tell me she really thinks this guy is Ein?' Aaron thought, Mellisa noticed his expression and frowned

"I know you are not a kid anymore but still please, be careful okay?" She said one more time Aaron sighed "it's all good," He said, Mellisa goes back to cooking leaving Aaron with his phone again

'Well... It's worth a shot let's see if you really are Ein, Elvis' Aaron thought, although he feels a little guilty as to why he was expecting him to be him but he shook his head and ignored it.

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