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The heavy air was suffocating everyone in the room, all of them waiting for San to continue. Fangsu's eyes glued to Yue, a feeling of hate had woken up inside her body, she knew how much her best friend would be hurting right now. Wooyoung was dieing, this was the end for them.

San: I mean he is her partner in practice, his name is Yunho, he was the one who learned everything to Yue.
Yunho: but now she knows more than me, let's be honest.

San and Yunho laughed together. Wooyoung felt relief inside his body, a uncontrolled laugh made it way out of Wooyoung's mouth making everyone's attention go to him.

San in the other hand found the doings of Wooyoung so cute, a big smile in San's face as he looked at Wooyoung. Why hasn't he met Wooyoung before? He would have spent a lot more time with the boy, but he didn't worry about that, they would spend a lot of time together from now on.

Fangsu looked at Yeosang, his face emotionless now, his eyes glued to the guy beside Yue. Meanwhile Seonghwa's eyes were glued to Hongjoon, his heart aching, it has been 3 years since the last time they meet, Seonghwa still remembered the day he left Hongjoon. The thing Seonghwa asked himself was if Hongjoon still loved him, if he had been able to forgive Seonghwa in his heart. in that moment San's voice broke the silence.

San: oh and the guy over there it's our little brother somehow, Yue's best friend, Jongho.

Fangsu's eyes wide, this was Jongho? She had heard a lot about the guy from Yeosang, he always talked about how handsome Jongho is and that he is jealous because Jongho is all the time with Yue. She hasn't noticed the guy till now but now that she looked at him, he really was the most handsome man she had ever seen. Fangsu has a really unique taste in men, she never really liked someone, yet Jongho was something else, he has something that attracted her, yet she reminded herself that he was her enemy, he was Yue's best friend and she didn't want to have nothing to do with him if he was like Yue.

San: could you introduce your company king Wooyoung?
Wooyoung's body now tensed.

Wooyoung: sure, this is Seonghwa, the biggest help in my life, another dad for me, I consider myself lucky to have him.

Now Seonghwa was looking at Wooyoung with love in his eyes, he really was proud of this guy.

Wooyoung: this is my sister, princess Fangsu, literally the love of my life.

A beautiful smile in Wooyoung's face as he looked at his sister, the later nodded her head in form of respect and sent them a smile.

Wooyoung: the beside her is her best friend, Yeosang, we have grown up all together.
Wooyoung now tensed again, he looked at San and that was the moment he understood that San knew everything. San's face now serious as hell, if glares could kill Yeosang would be dead by now, but Wooyoung really appreciated the fact that San stayed calm. He had heard that San is mean and stuff but now he was seeing the exact opposite, if someone would do what Yeosang had done to Fangsu, Wooyoung would tear him in pieces. Without wasting time he continued to the other one.

Wooyoung: and the last one is Mingi, he is Fangsu's protector. Your sister may be a warrior but I'm quite overprotective of Fangsu, it's not like she can't protect herself but I have the chance to protect her so why not.

Fangsu now had an annoyed look on her face, it bothered her the fact that she had Mingi with her everywhere, but what was worse was that she now had Yue in front of her, she even called herself a warrior.

Wooyoung: we're really honored to be here tonight king San w-
San: oh please call me San, we're both kings it feels awkward like that, and we are also honored to have you here, I was looking forward to meeting you king Wooyoung.

Wooyoung: you call me Wooyoung too, and you don't have idea how I was looking forward to this meeting.

For a moment they both just looked at each other, both lost in each other's eyes, something different for both of them, something they had never felt before.

Hongjoon: so, how was the road?
All of them looked at Hongjoon, the later had a glass of wine in his hand, sipping on it from now to then.

Seonghwa: it was good, thank you. Seonghwa's voice deep.

Jongho: I heard it was cold, I hope you didn't freeze.
Fangsu: not really, it's more freezing here, especially when some people have frozen hearts.

Her eyes glued at Yue, her words leaving everyone shock, Wooyoung reminded himself to have a talk with his sister if they would get out alive from this room. As he looked at San waiting for him to look mad he was surprised to see him relaxed. His eyes traveled at the table and the only surprised people were his family.

Yue: I see, I see, you know we are known for being mean but with that comes the being honest, we talk directly, and I would really appreciate it if you did the same. I have heard a lot about you princess Fangsu, and that all from your best friend right there, I know the innocent soul you are, how you love the right, how you want people to be always fine, but on top of these I also know how you love Yeosang. I'm gonna talk freely as we all here know what happened, I don't think I have any fault at what happened, would you please tell me why you think I have a frozen heart?

All of them hearing carefully, giving Yue all their attentiom. Wooyoung didn't liked this, Fangsu didn't know everything about this story, and they weren't planning on telling her any time soon.

Yeosang in the other hand didn't know what to feel, he was in the cloud nine because Yue had said his name after three years but on the other side he wasn't ready for what was coming.

Fangsu: I have never asked for the reason you broke up, I never wanted Yeosang to get these memories back even if he could never forget them, but it doesn't really matters why you broke up, if you had really loved him like you said you wouldn't make him suffer like that.

A smile filled with pain was now formed in Yue's face, were these memories hurtful for Yeosang?then what about her? She locked her eyes with Yeosang and what she saw hurted her more. A pain filled tear fell down his cheek, his eyes filled with regret, pain written on his face.

Yeosang: I'm sorry...

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