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"Are you bothered by something, you fucking bastard? I'll kick the shit out of you" Lombardo shouted and Zoe found the boy again, and found out that it was him that Lombardo was fighting with, Hammett

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"Are you bothered by something, you fucking bastard? I'll kick the shit out of you" Lombardo shouted and Zoe found the boy again, and found out that it was him that Lombardo was fighting with, Hammett.

Hammett observing the whole situation and with his eyes on Lombardo.

Zoe panicked. A smaller panic, much smaller and more insignificant than the one that she feels in her chest with the simple idea of getting in a car, of participating of another race, but she panicked with the idea of a possible fight, she didn't know why, but she got in despair, she imagined Lombardo's thick hands, the difference of weight, strength and height between him and the simple boy with curly hair, she imagined that Lombardo would break Hammett without making an effort for that.

Zoe panicked imagining the damage Lombardo would do, if she closed her eyes she could predict the fight because she had seen her boyfriend in several fights and knows how good in fights and violent he is.

She panicked because she imagined that Lombardo would hurt this Hammett guy a lot, she imagined that Lombardo would leave him purple, with blood dripping out of him.

Zoe didn't understand why she cared, she normally likes fights, but just as she didn't understand why she was caring, perhaps blaming the drink and the panic in her brain, she also wondered why this Hammett guy cared enough to want to fight. Is he really wanting to fight or was it just a violent reflex from Lombardo who reacts badly to anything?

She didn't know how to react. She couldn't think straight with the drunkenness in her mind.

But she knew that her rough and violent boyfriend was ready for a fight with a weak innocent that had nothing to do with the situation and that was enough for a drunk Zoe to grab Lombardo's chest and push him away, she was already too nervous and drunk for the panic in her mind to handle a bloody fight with only one loser. Hammett.

She didn't know how to respond. She couldn't think straight with the drunkenness in her mind.

Obviously her body is too weak compared to her boyfriend who is also strong compared to Hammett, who didn't back down.

"Come on, lets go, I don't want any trouble, enough of this." Zoe whispered drunkenly and pushed Lombardo's chest with her hands away from that bar and that Hammett boy. She just wants to avoid victims, she knows how violent and stupid Lombardo is, even if it means getting into a car, her biggest and painful trauma.

She couldn't even find the words to describe the pain and trauma of that day a year ago, of the accident, of losing someone, of losing her friend, and since then she was acting in an insane way with no love for anything, acting on impulse, wanting attention, everything, anything that would make her least forget the trauma of the loss, the pain, the accident and that's why Zoe is the way she is, crazy and without feelings.

All because of the trauma of the accident with Hailey, her friend who died beside her a year ago inside a car after a drunken night.

And getting in a car again would be like ripping her chest out with so much pain. Zoe didn't know how to get out of getting into a car with Lombardo today, but getting into a car would at least get him out of the bar and keep him from hitting the innocent Hammett, who is still looking at them, seeing the rude way Lombardo treated Zoe.

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