19 - The Ancient One

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Cassie woke up with a gasp. Her eyes shot open as the bright fluorescent lights filed her vision. Frantically around, trying to figure out what had happened. She looked down to see her torso exposed, covered in bandages with a little bit of blood seeping through. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her arm. She looked over to see a worried Tony sitting next to her.

"Hey, Smalls," he said softly.

"W-what. What happened?" she asked, still confused about what was going on.

"You got hurt pretty bad. Some lady called me up and said you were in the hospital badly hurt. What did you do your entire stomach was covered in blood!"

"Kaecilius' follower went after me and Strange, he stabbed me with a shard from the mirror dimension."

Tony looked at her blankly. "I'm not even going to pretend that anything you just said makes sense."Slowly, she tried to sit up, Tony helping her lean back against her pillows. "Easy there."

"How long was I out?"

"12 hours? I'm not sure I fell asleep a little while ago... kid, what were you thinking? I can't afford for you to get hurt."

"I'm fine Tony, really. It just stings a little."

"No, you don't get it. This is why I didn't want you to go out fighting with Peter. You could get hurt, or die-"

"But I know what will happen!" She interrupted him. "When I go out fighting with Peter or I'm at the sanctum, there's a pretty good chance I know what will happen next."

"Oh so getting stabbed was part of the agenda?"

"No, but I knew I would be okay!"

Tony sighed, leaning back at his chair. He crossed his arms as he stared at her with concern. For some reason, he found it hard to stay mad at her, and for the life of him he couldn't figure out why. "You said your hero's name is Pythia." Cassie nodded, confused at where this conversation was going. "Why that name?"

"There's this Oracle Apollo had named Pythia. She helped predict the future and was the first feminist sorcerer in history."

Tony gave out a chuckle. "Very fitting... listen, I don't like the idea of you going out and roaming the streets fighting bad guys."

"You literally asked me if I wanted to join the Avengers."

"After you train! Which, granted, you've been doing pretty well at... if you want to keep roaming the streets, fighting off Kale.."

"Kaecilius," she corrected. "He's Dr. Strange's villain we're in the middle of his movie right now as well."

"Sure, Kallus, anyways... I won't stop you, under one condition. You have to let me help you."

Cassie cocked her head sideways. "You wanna fly around Queens with me and Peter?"

"What? No, I'm gonna build you a suit."

Cassie raised her eyebrows in excitement. "Really?" Tony nodded his head. "I've always wanted my own suit. It has been my dream since I was a little kid! I knew that if I was an Avenger I would want a badass suit."

"Well, you're getting one. Dreams come true."

"Oh, my dreams came true the moment I woke up on this earth." She leaned forward, wincing slightly. Tony scooted closer to help her, not expecting when she pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, Tony. Thank you so so much!"

"It's the least I could do kid."

When they pulled away, she pointed her finger at him. "No training wheels protocol! I know your secrets Stark."

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