21 - Dormammu

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Wong walked through the Hong Kong Sanctum, followed by a team of sorcerers, gearing up to go to Hong Kong. "Choose your weapons wisely," he told the sorcerers.

"I hope I'm not too late." Wong turned around to see Cassie standing behind him in the new suit that Tony had made her.

She stood before him in a yellow suit, very similar to the texture of leather. It had long black sleeves that were wrapped into fingerless gloves underneath. The yellow cloak-like suit zipped only on the torso, with a hood on the back. From the bottom of the long cloak, her black leather pants should through with her high-top black boots. Cassie, she had to admit she felt like a badass when she put it on for the first time.

"That's a new look," Wong commented.

She shrugged. "I got bored of the black hoodies."

"Grab your weapon too, you'll need it."

"Oh I already have mine," she told him. Cassie pushed back the side of the cloak to reveal holsters on her thighs containing the Daggers of Daveroth.

"Then let's go." He walked to the front of the room and turned to address everybody. "Nobody enters this sanctum. Are we clear?" Everyone gave him a single nod before he started to walk away. "Potts, follow me."

Cassie picked up her pace, following him out of the institute and into the streets of Hong Kong. She turned slowly, taking in their surroundings. Back on her earth, she had very few chances to travel outside the U.S. it was still really cool to her to travel to all these different places. She moved forward with caution, making sure she had one hand on the daggers while Wong carried the Wand of Watoomb. When they both looked forward, he was standing in front of them, with his followers close behind.

"Kaecilius," Wong addressed him.

"You're on the wrong side of history, Wong," said Kaecilius.

"No, I think he's doing what's right," Cassie interjected. "It's you who will be forgotten in history."

"Aww, how sweet. The child thinks that they know better than one of the most powerful sorcerers in the universe."

"You might be strong but you are not the most powerful; Dr. Strange is."

Kaecilius gave out a laugh. "Strange? Now that's funny. It's a shame you won't be able to tell him what happened." He smirked, extended his hands to make another mirror dimensional blade.

Cassie pulled out her daggers, flipping them in her hand. She had seen Loki and Bucky do it so many times that with a little bit of training in came easy to her. Kaecilius smirked before charging at them. He went straight for Wong, leaving Cassie to face-off two of his followers. She swiped at them, the first time, and one of them punched her front behind. She tumbled forward, almost losing her balance.

Quickly she turned, creating a whip, latching it onto one of their feet. She used it to drag them into the other one, causing them both to fall to the ground. Cassie turned back to see Kaecilius still fighting Wong. He was using the wand to create a shield barrier from the mirror blade but it wasn't holding up well. He pushed Kaecilius back, using the wand again to blast him with energy.

She ran over to help him. She used a wand to attach her two arrows, shootings them at Kaecilius. Cassie had to admit she felt a little badass. When she started to train, she had the idea to use her daggers like she had seen Xialing do in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. She was grateful her skills were working now.

Wong and Cassie continued to double attack Kaecilius, making him move back in defense. They would have taken him on if it wasn't for the large blast from behind them. They all turned to see the sanctum starting to be devoured by the Dark Dimension.

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