30 - First Dates

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 Cassie jumped up from the couch, grabbing her bag next to her

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Cassie jumped up from the couch, grabbing her bag next to her. It had been roughly a month since she and Peter officially became Avengers; this time for good. School was getting back on track - it was almost the end of the year. Peter had also training at the compound with everyone; Cassie liked having him around more, he even stuck around for movie nights. 

    With their lives finally starting to get on a somewhat regular schedule, Peter had asked her to save a day for their first date, today to be exact. Today was finally the day they could go out with no interruptions no friends, to Avengers, just like Peter had said.

    "I'm heading out!" Cassie announced to the room. The only people there were Natasha and Wanda.

    "Have fun!" Nat said with a wave.

    "Come back and tell us everything," Wanda said, getting straight to the point.

    Cassie laughed. "I will!"

    Slugging her back over her shoulder, she opened a portal to the place that they had planned to meet. She walked through into the alley, seeing Peter, hide his Spider-Man suit in his bag. He turned abruptly when he saw her, his other hand holding a messy bouquet of flowers.

    "Hey! These are for you." He said, holding out the bouquet. "Sorry, they got a little messed up while I was swinging.

    Cassie took the bouquet from him, smiling as she looked at the flowers. "They're perfect. Should we head inside?"

    "Yeah totally!"

    He held out his arm, letting Cassie slip her arm around his, clasping his fingers. They walked out from the alley, turning left where they were immediately met with Peter's date idea - the Whitestone Bowling Alley. Cassie had thought it was a great first date. She had actually been to this exact bowling alley on her earth; she had a distant cousin in Queens.

    They walked inside and the place was packed, leaving only two rows left in the back of the room. Cassie gripped onto his hand tighter as they maneuvered through the crowd of people. There were at least two birthday parties and a senior living bowling team there tonight, on top of all the other people who also decided that tonight they would bowl.

    When they made it to the front counter, Peter leaned over, careful as to not wrinkle the shirt that his aunt had ironed. "We have a reservation under Parker," he told the girl behind the counter.

    "Sure, let go find it real quick," said the woman, leaving to go get the reservation book from the back.

    Cassie turned her head to see Peter in surprise. "A reservation? Wow, we just turned 30."

    Peter rolled his eyes. "I wanted to make sure we had a lane!" They laughed as the women came back, confirming what lane they were in. She gave them their bowling shoes and showed them to the lane. "Thank you," Peter said to the woman as she left.

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