33 - The Black Order

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"Shit," Cassie said. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." She paced back and forth in the lobby as Wong and Stephen helped gather a set of clothes for Bruce. He turned back to face him as she adjusted the jacket he wore. "He's really coming? Thanos is really on his way?"

Bruce nodded at her. "He blew up our ship," he said. "He killed-"

"Loki, I know... It's all happening too soon." She finished his sentence.

He looked back and forth between her and the two sorcerers with a furrowed brow. "How did you-"

"I'm not from this universe. Where I come this is all a movie and it does not end well so yes, I know that Loki died and Thor will be reaching the Guardians of the Galaxy any minute so now that we have that out of the way," she turned to look at Stephen. "We need to go tell Tony. The Black Order will be arriving soon."

"Yes, that would be wise," Stephen said. "Where is he?"

"I'm sorry," Bruce interrupted. "Can we go back to the part where you said you're not from this universe?"

"In Central Park with Pepper," Cassie said, ignoring Bruce's question.

Stephen nodded, opening up a portal. The cool breeze of the park drifting in, the sound of people talking filling the air. "Wait-" Bruce tried to speak again but Cassie cut him off.

"Not now, Ruffalo! I'll explain later!" She motioned for him to follow her and Strange through the portal, following close behind them as he marveled at their teleportation abilities.

Cassie noticed Tony and Pepper instantly, Stephen moving forward to greet them. "Tony Stark!" he called to them, making Tony break away from his partner. They both turned to look at them. "We need your help."

Tony glanced back and forth between his "niece" and the sorcerer standing next to her. "Stephen Strange, right? Cassie has talked about you a lot," Tony said.

"Tony," Cassie said, walking forward to him. "It's starting, Thanos is coming."

Tony's face grew with concern, turning to look at Pepper and then back at her. "Are you sure? How sure can you be?"

"Pretty sure, Tony," they both turned to see Bruce emerge from behind Stephen.

"Bruce!" Pepper explained as he stepped towards them.

"Bruce," Tony restated. Before he could get another word out, Bruce leaned forward, engulfing him in a hug.

When they pulled apart, he kept hold of Tony's sides. "You have no idea what's coming."


"Come on, Pete, pick up!" Cassie said, pacing back and forth on the phone as she waited for Tony and Stephen could form a plan with the knowledge she gave them.

"Cassie?" said Peter, finally answering his phone. "I told you I wasn't gonna be at school today remember? Ned and I are on a field trip to MOMA."

"Yeah I know, that's not why I called," she said. "Look uh...." God, why was this so hard to say? she thought to herself. "These past few months with you have been some of the best of my life. And not just like on this earth, I mean anywhere."

She could practically hear him smiling over the phone. "Y-yeah, same, me too," he kept stating. "It's been a while since I've been this happy... why for the sudden need for affection? I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"I don't know if you will...."

"What do mean? Cassie is everything okay?"

"Cassie!" called Stephen from the other end of the room. It was time to get going.

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