Chapter 2

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It had been a few days since Esra had moved in. The apartment had an en-suite which was Ozan's room, one more bedroom and an extra bath between between both rooms. Ozan was fine with her putting her things out in the extra bathroom. He claimed to never use it, since he had his own.

For Esra t was kind of like living the dream - on borrowed time. Her bedroom was much larger than the one at home, she didn't have to share a bathroom with her brother or an annoying roommate, there was a fancy kitchen at her disposal that Ozan barely used, a nice view of the city, and a job that she loved. She knew that she would have to move into a humbler space soon, and she was totally fine with that, but this was a nice little escape - until she could make her own dreams a reality.

They had fallen into a routine of sorts. He would usually be out of the house before she was even ready for work. Sometimes they would drink coffee together in the morning, and talk a little about their day. Then she would take the train to work and back, and make herself a small meal. He would come back late, often after having already eaten, just like he said.

It was the first friday evening that she was at the apartment, and he came back a little earlier than usual.

"You're here!" Esra said surprised.

"Yeah there was an issue with the network at work. Nobody was being very productive. They decided the start the weekend early."

"Oh cool. By the way, my co-workers said there is a new bar around the corner, shall we go check it out?"

Ozan was looking forward to settling down on the couch and reading a book. "I think I'll pass."

"Come on Ozan, you never make time to do anything fun. They have karaoke and everything. And it seems it has an 80's vibe. It will be nice change for you."

Ozan sighed, why was it so hard to say no to her?

She could feel him caving, and clapped her hands in delight. "Yes! You're coming!  Let me change out of my work clothes and we can leave."

"But I won't stay long," he warned, heading into his room for a shower.

"No problem, you can leave whenever you want. Worse case I can walk back later."

That didn't sit right with him, she was too trusting of the big city, but he didn't want to get into an argument with her about it.

He showered and came of out his bedroom and headed for the kitchen just as she stepped out of her room, "Ozan..."

He turned and looked at her expectantly.

"Actually never-mind," she muttered, walking backwards into her room, clutching her dress together under her armpit.

"Esra? What's going on? Iyi misin?"

She took two steps forward and then backtracked again, clearly conflicted.

"Hey, talk to me, " he said, concerned.

"It's just that..." she looked at him sheepishly, "my zipper is stuck? And I can't pull it up or down. I think the cloth got caught between the teeth. If I yank anymore I'll end up tearing the dress."

She held the dress together with one hand, and waved him away, "But it's fine, it's fine. So what if I tear a brand new dress I have never worn," she said, trying to sound convincing.

He chuckled mentally at her obvious despair and internal struggle. "Here," he walked towards her, "let me see if i can get it."

"Only if you don't mind...I mean, I don't want to impose..."

Always Been You - An EsZan AU / Aşk Mantık IntikamWhere stories live. Discover now