Chapter 3

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It was the weekend and Esra had spent most of the day looking at apartments. Ozan insisted on accompanying her and although she didn't want to inconvenience him, she was glad he had come along. He knew all about what was acceptable, how to check that everything worked as they had advertised (spoiler alert, it did not), how far the nearest train station was, what was reasonable rent for the space, and so much more. They had eaten an early dinner outside and were back in the apartment.

Esra's phone was completely out of juice, and she remembered that she had left her charger at work. Her battery pack had served her during the day, but that was out too.

"Hey Ozan," she said, walking out of her room and spotting him in the kitchen, "can I borrow your charger? I left mine at the office."

"Sure," he said, waving in the direction of his room, it's on my desk, just go in and take it."


The doorbell rang just as she unplugged his charger from the socket, and she stilled at the sound of a female voice.

"Ozan, I hope you don't mind me stopping by. I know it's late, but I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd come and pick up the project files."

"Oh...., umm.., yeah sure." Esra heard Ozan stammer in response.

"And I also brought us some takeout dinner, we could go over the files as we eat."

"There was no need for that Cagla." Ozan replied.

Cagla, hmmm, Esra wondered if this was the girl he liked or the girl who was bothering him at work. She couldn't quite figure out yet.

"Let me get the files, it's in my room," she heard Ozan's voice approaching the room and she hid behind his door, half afraid that Cagla would follow him in.

Ozan entered his room and closed the door behind him, almost jumping when he saw Esra hiding behind it.

"Esra?" he squeaked, "napıyorsun?"

She held up the charger, "You said I could borrow it?"

He looked confused still, like it didn't explain what she was doing behind his door.

And he was right, it didn't.

"I heard a female voice. If I had walked out of your room she would have seen me. I didn't know if she'd be okay with seeing a woman in your bedroom."

Understanding dawned on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were having a "girl friend" over, I would have gone out and left you guys alone." Esra whispered, air-quoting the "girl friend".

He shook his head, "She's not my girlfriend!" he said, sounding affronted.

"Oh she's not the one you're crushing on?"

"Hayır!" he said vehemently.

"Is she the one who's coming onto to you and not getting the message to back off?"

He nodded and sighed. This was the first time Cagla was showing up at his apartment, and that too at night, she had clearly decided to escalate her pursuit.

"Ozan! " Cagla called from outside, "is everything ok?"

"Evet, evet! I'm just searching for the files!" he shouted back.

"Do you want me to help?" Esra asked.

"Help? How?" Ozan didn't know what she was thinking and he wasn't sure he wanted to.

"Do you want to get rid of her, and send her a permanent message, or no?" Esra asked impatiently.

"More than anything," he said intensely.

Always Been You - An EsZan AU / Aşk Mantık IntikamWhere stories live. Discover now