Chapter 6

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He pressed his lips to hers.

Soft and full... just like he imagined.

A wave of desire flowed through his entire being. He opened his mouth to capture her lower lip in his - the need to taste her overwhelming. He felt her stiffen, yanking him back to his senses, and he drew away just as she pushed at his chest.


"Esra...I'm..sorry.." he started, but got no further because she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him back, her eyes closed, her lips seeking his greedily. He groaned into her mouth, nipping gently at her lip, before sucking on its soft fullness. She moaned, her lips falling open. His tongue slipped in, the first touch to her tongue - electric.

Her eyes flew open and she pushed him away again, his lips making a smacking sound of sudden release.

He felt drunk with need, not a single coherent thought in his mind, except the taste of her lips, the touch of her tongue, the heat in her mouth. He closed his eyes briefly, trying to gather his senses, then opened them to find her staring at his lips, her eyes hungry.

She grabbed, his shirt and pulled him to her again. It took every ounce of his resistance, but he covered her hands with his, stopping her, and rested his forehead against hers.

"Esra..," he said, his voice so low, so gravelly, that she felt her toes curl, "if you kiss me again I may not be able to stop."

His words shot a jolt of realization through her, and she released his shirt like her hands were touching fire.

"I'm..I'm..sorry," she stammered, not really sure what she was apologizing for. Then moving her head back she stared at him defiantly."You started it!" she said accusingly - outrage always her best defense.

He huffed out a laugh at the change in her tone. She was right though - he had started it, and he had no regrets.

"Maybe if you hadn't said that I wasn't a man..." he replied only half joking.

Her eyes flashed, "Oh so it's my fault now!"

He shook his head. What was he saying? "No. It's not's me." He lips curled up with a hint of a teasing smile, "well maybe it's little bit you too."

She flushed, and turned away. Damn he was right, she had pulled him back. What was she thinking?

"Esra," he said softly, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger and turning her to face him again. "I'm very attracted to you, you must know that. I think you are attracted to me too. Maybe we..."

"Hayir!" she interrupted him. "Hayir, I'm not! And you shouldn't be either! We are friends. Good friends! Friends don't..." she waved her hands between them frantically, leaving her sentence unfinished.

Something shifted in his face, making it unreadable to her. "Tamam," he said slowly, "if that's what you want."

"It is!" She realized she was almost shouting. How dare he change their dynamic? He was supposed to be her forever friend, if they hooked up for a fling nothing would ever be the same again, and she couldn't bear that.

"Fine," he said rising. "It won't happen again."

"Good!" she said, her relief so palpable, it turned the knife in his chest a little.

"Let's forget any of this happened," she said eagerly.

"Done!" he said with so much conviction, it stung her a little.

"Back to being friends then," he said, walking out of her room.

She watched as he left her room without turning back. Her fingers rose to her lips unconsciously, still tingling from the contact. Damn, nerdy Ozan was a helluva kisser, who would have thought?

Always Been You - An EsZan AU / Aşk Mantık IntikamWhere stories live. Discover now