Chapter 13

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His eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at her slack-jawed. Surely he had heard wrong.

Her smiled grew at his expression, and unfiltered joy bloomed in her heart at the sheen of tears in his eyes - she had made him that happy, and nothing had ever made her happier.

She nodded in affirmation, and he pulled her to him, drawing a squeaky gasp from her as she thudded against his chest. "Esra'm.." he said, his voice liquid soft and melting her insides as he kissed her again, peppering her face with sweet kisses till she was giggling in his arms.

"The rain..." she whispered, finally.

"Right!" They both looked up and then laughed as the large drops fell straight on their faces.

"I should go..." she said.

"Hayir!" he replied gruffly, tightening his hold around her waist. "You're not going anywhere," he gave her one more loud,  smack-y kiss, "...ever."

And Esra Ertan, who had always hated being told what to do,  wrapped her arms around his neck and nodded happily, "Tamam"

They ran back together into the apartment, hand in hand. He handed her a towel, "Here, dry your hair, i'll make us some çay."

When she emerged from the bathroom he was still in the kitchen, shirtless, pouring tea into the cups, a towel on his shoulder, his hair still dripping wet.

What was it about watching a hot man doing domestic things? Esra felt her heart lurch, argh, she was a whole sucker for him.

She snuck up to his side, and ran her fingers through his hair. "You didn't dry your hair."

He turned and grinned at her, "I wanted to make you tea first."


He raised a quizzical eyebrow at her.

"Sit," she repeated, pointing to the chair, "I'll dry it for you."

She waited for him to sit down, then stepped between his legs and took the towel from his shoulder. She proceeded to towel him dry in slow, gentle strokes and he let out a slow moan - everything she did was magic and turned him on.  He moved his head forward to rest against her body and his forehead touched the wetness of her dress.

He pushed the towel up and out of his face and lifted his head to look at her, "Your dress is wet, you should change."

She looked down at herself and sighed. "This is one of my favorite dresses. I think it's ruined," she said a little grumpily.

"It's a beautiful look very beautiful in it." he said huskily, his eyes roaming over her body.

Then he paused, and the corner of  his mouth quirked up in a knowing smile.  "Bir dakka, bir dakka, so you baked me a cake and wore your favorite dress, when you thought i was going out to dinner with Sema?" His lips broke out into a gleeful smile, "You were jealous weren't you?"

"Yoo, yok öyle bir şey, " Esra protested immediately, her own face breaking into a smile when he said the words along with her.

"You always say that," he teased, reaching up and kissing the tip of her nose. "Go, change before you get sick. Take one of my t-shirts."

"I think I know just the one," she dimpled at him as she walked towards his room, and he huffed out a laugh at her callback to the last time she had worn his shirt.

She opened the closet pulled out the blue t-shirt, hugged it to her chest, and sighed happily. She'd never imagined she would wear it under these circumstances and yet it all felt so perfectly right. She pulled off her wet dress and and her wet underclothes and put on the t-shirt, She looked around the room and saw that Ozan's  laptop was lying open with his glasses lying next to it, and his pyjamas and t-shirt were lying on the bed. Hmm it didn't look like he'd been planning to go out.

Always Been You - An EsZan AU / Aşk Mantık IntikamWhere stories live. Discover now