Chapter 11

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"Ozan," she shook him gently, "what happened?"

"Something I ate," he mumbled. "Throwing up...a lot...headache."

"Probably from the company you were keeping, " she muttered to herself, her mind flashing back to him and that girl in the club.
"Wait, let me get you something for the pain and the fever, and your stomach. I'll be right back."

He grabbed her hand feebly - even if this was a dream, he didn't want to let go.

She rubbed his hand warmly, "I'll be back, I promise."

At least there was an upside to living in this apartment, she thought, as she went through the medicine cabinet, she knew exactly where everything was.

There were so many upsides Esra, the location of the medicine cabinet is the least of them. come now -  her inner voice admonished her. Tamam, she nodded to herself, she couldn't deny it.

She came back with the medicines and a cold compress for his fever. She managed to make him sit up briefly so she could give him the medication and then lowered him back on the bed, her arms holding him under his shoulder, her hair accidentally falling on his face.

Ozan inhaled deeply and sighed. "Always the same," he murmured. Her scent, the smell of her hair, he would know it anywhere, remember it forever.

He held her hand as she drew away and she huffed out a small laugh, "I'm not going anywhere..."

She watched him sleep for a while, surprised at the sense of peace it brought her. Her head and heart had been so all-over-the-place these last few days.

She found herself nodding off too and lowered her head to the bed, her face touching is arm, her hand still held in his.

Ozan woke a little while later, trying to place the sound of breathing that wasn't his own, and the warmth of someone's breath on his arm.

He turned his head slightly and took in Esra's sleeping form - the events of the last few hours slowly coming back to him.

How was it that she looked even more beautiful asleep? He reached with his free arm and tucked a stray strand of hair carefully behind her ear, his thumb brushing her cheek.

It hurt to have her here...and not have her. He needed for her to leave so he could drown in his own misery unencumbered.

He let out a deep sigh, and she stirred in response, her eyes blinking as she tried to find her bearings.

"Ozan?" she said sleepily, lifting her head slowly and taking in his face. "Oh you look much better, you had me scared for a bit there. Let me make you some soup. I bet you haven't eaten in a really long time. Let's see if you can keep it down."

She hurried out of the room even as he called her name.

She barely let him speak as she fed him little spoonfuls of soup, and finally he gave up trying. He knew she was trying to stall the inevitable conversation and he didn't have the energy to fight her.

When she was fully satisfied that he had eaten enough and had his second dose of medication, she put away the soup and she patted his arm, "Good job."

He smiled, amused. "You enjoy this, don't you?"

"What?" she asked wide-eyed.

"Taking care of people. Making them feel better."

"Yaani.." she blushed a little - there he went, being right about her again.

"I would do it for any of my friends." She emphasized friends, trying to drive the point home at every turn.

He laughed at that, she was unrelenting.

Always Been You - An EsZan AU / Aşk Mantık IntikamWhere stories live. Discover now