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the sun began to shine through the mosaic windows, casting a colorful reflection in the room as i peeked my head out from the blanket. training doesn't start until nine, so i had plenty of time to rest. still, that dream i had last night was creeping me out. in fact, i've been having some weird dreams lately about a public beheading, drowning, a hanging, and an eye-gouging. was satan filling my mind with gruesome things or was i reading to much horror stories at night? the thoughts left my mind as i fell back to sleep.

i heard the door creak open, and i overheard catharine and mother superior talking.

"she won't start her training until ten, so tell her that before she wakes up." whispered mother superior.

"i will. right now, i'll get her some breakfast."

i heard both of them leave the room, making it quiet again.

as the man grabbed my wrist, i was screaming. i pried his decomposed hand off my wrist as i started sprinting. all i could see was a large manor. without thinking, i kicked opened the front door and locked it, praying that the zombie-looking man wouldn't come in as i locked the door, wiping off the sweat from my forehead.

as i turned on the light, the statue of our lady of sorrows weeping blood made my heart jump, and she was holding a sign that had french words on it.

i cry i pray mon dieu.

the mixed smell of blueberries and vanilla filled my nose as my stomach grumbled. i ignored the smell by burying my face in the pillow, thinking about that saying.

what does "i cry i pray mon dieu" even mean?

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