Everyone: What?!?!?!?!
Me: We lots of questions and dares :D
Jeff: Oh god no
Me: Oh god yes and since there's lots I'll start with the questions *evil laugh*
Belieber4life99: Q1: If you guys didn't have your favorite ways of killing, what other way would you kill?
Me: Knife ;)
Jeff: Dagger *insane laugh*
Liu/sully: Killing is wrong and we should all learn to get a long :3/ LAME!!!
Me: Ok next!
Q2: If you guys didn't go crazy or were killers what would you guys be doing for a living?
Jeff: Hmmmmmm
BEN: Video game maker
Me: of coures you would *rolles eyes*
BEN:*sassy snap* RUDE!!
Me: anyway I'd be an author
Jeff: A CHEF!! :D
Me: Jeff you can't even make a sandwich without setting the house on fire
Jeff: ;-; Y U kill my dreams *goes and crys in the corner*
E.J: Kidney surgent :3
L.J: SWEET SHOP OWNER!!! \(*-*)/
Jane: Next!!
Q3: If you had a choice to skin and torture a friend who would you pick?
Jeff: BEN
BEN: Jeff
Jeff/BEN:*look at each other and gasps dramaticly*
Me: Jane
Jane: Writer
Me/Jane:* looks are each other and gasps dramaticly*
Masky: Hoodie
Hoodie: Masky
Masky/Hoodie:*does the same as the rest of us*
Me: Anywhore on to the dares >;)
Dare 1: I dare everyone to wear pink all over and shorts and heels and crop tops in pink and to don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Me: pff hahahahaha XD
Slenderp: Nope I refuse
Me:*gets my pen and some paper and writes 'everyone but me starts wearing pink all over and pink shorts, crop trops and shorts')*
Everyone: FUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
Me: hahahhahaha XD
Jeff:*starts twerking and sing* WHO LIKES SHORTS SHORTS
Me:*laughing like a retared banana on crack* lets get this show on the road *starts music*
Everyone:*starts dancing* -3-
~ 1 hour later~
Jeff: Fuck *pants* this *pants* shit
Me:*eating cookies* have fun?
BEN: oh cookie *tries to grab a cookie*
Me: NU Benny-boo *slaps BEN's hands* anywhore more dares
Dare 2: I dare Slender to play with a bunch of kids
Slendrp: psh thats easy
Me: hush theres more
While wearing pink shorts and a crop top
Slenderp: Why? ;-;
Me: XD BEN and L.J get the kids
BEN: YES SIR RIGHT AWAY SIR!! *runs with L.J and gets the kids*
Jeff: I get the camra
*BEN and L.J walks back in with some random kids*
Me: Slenderp go play with kids
Slenderp: NUUUUU!!!!
Jane: YESSSSS!! *pushes Slenderp outside*
Kids:*sees Slenderp and starts laughing* XD
Me: While Slenderp is playing with some random kids I'll read the next dare
Dare 3: I dare smile dog to come and rip Slender's shorts off and flash the kids, show them a full moon XD
Me: Yay fun >:D OH SMILE!!!
Smile: Yes?
Me:*shows him the dare*
Smile:*laughs* this is going to be fun
Me:*runs outside* Jeff get the camra
Jeff: Why?
Me: Just watch
Smile:*runs behind Slenderp and rips his shorts off the runs off*
Slenderp:* screams like a girl and runs back into the mansion*
The Creepypasta:*breaking their shit laughing*
Kids:*runs away screaming bloody murder*
Sally:*wipes away tears from laughing* next dare
Dare 4: I dare E.J to run in naked after one kid who stole his towel
E.J:*dripping wet and naked, running after a kid* Give that back you prick*
Kid:*sticks tounge out* Nope
Me:*face palms and grabs the kid by the hood* Hey kid if you want to continue living I would give him the towel and run *insane smile*
Kid:*gulps* here *hand E.J the towel and runs*
E.J:*wrappes the towel around himself and walks off mumbling under is breath*
Me: Ok we have one more dare
Jeff:*groans* why
Jane: Shup Jeff
Me: thanks Jane
Dare 5: Writer I dare you to skin Jeff and put his skin on BEN and the skin BEN and put BEN's skin on Jeff
Jeff: NUUUUUUU!!!!!
BEN: O_O shit
Me:* 'Jeff now has BEN skin and BEN now has Jeff's skin'*
BEN: Bitch Y U so white
Jeff: Why you so tan
Me: aw I can't call Jeff Snow white anymore now *smirks*
Jeff:*grabs knife* GO TO SLEEP!!!!!
Me: BAI!!!!!! *runs away*
Jeff:*runs after me with is knife* GET BACK HERE BOTCH!!!!
Masky: O_o ask questions, dares and other shit you can think of in the comments BAI!!!!
Everyone but me and jeff: BAI!!!!!
*camra falls and all you can hear is Me and Jeff fighting XD*
Ask da Creepypastas
HumorMe: I wrote a new ask creepypastas :D Jeff: Nobody care Me: Well I care you dumbass smiling freak >:-( Jeff:*Pewdiepie's voice* fuck you, fuck your coach BEN: Just hurry up already!