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Me: Hello my fellow wattpad readers-

Jeff:*walks in eating a sandwich* om nom nom nom :3

Me: Jeff where did you get that sandwich? >:(

Jeff:*swallows* your fridge why?

Me: Jeff stop eating my food geez

BEN:*walks in eating popcorn* sup

Me: Wtf BEN!

BEN: What om nom nom

Me:*face palm* Ya be eatin my popcorn

E.J:*walks eating kidneys* Hey whats goin on

Me: Do you ever anything else but kidneys

E.J:*shrugs* nope *walks off and sits on my sofa*

Me:*sarcusm* glad your making yourselfs at home

L.J:*jumping around the house like a chipmunk on drugs* hahahhaha Candy hahahahaehhehe

Jeff:*walks out with yet another sandwich* so why did you call us here?

Me:*rolls eyes at Jeff* 1 min. SLENDY!!!!

Slendy:*pops up behind me* yes child you called

Me:*jumps* shit O_o oh yeah Jeff and BEN keep eating my food

Slendy:*faceless face palm* Jeff and BEN we have food at home

BEN: Writer's food is better then yours

Slendy:*sassy tentical snap in shape of a 'Z'* botch please my food is lovely

Me: Anyway *claps hands* time to get down to buisness-

?: YOLO!!/nobody cares about oreos

?:*tick* Hey guys

Me: Who the fuck are you guys?

?: Sorry the names Liu woods

Me: As in Jeffrey woods haha

Liu: Yep he is my bro/who tried to kill you

Me: Who was that?

Liu: Oh that was Sully/my lady *smirks and bows*

Me:*blushes* oh um hi

Jeff:*runs and hugs Liu* Hey Liu *growls* Sully

Liu:*hugs back* Hey Jeff/*snorts* Jeff *fake gags* kill me now so I must not withness this

Me:*giggles* anyway who are you *points at the other guy*

?:*twitch* Toby

Me: Whale nice to meeta Toby

Masky:*walks out eating cheesecake and see Toby* Holy Zalgo O_o *runs away*

Toby:*twitch* Hey Masky *twitch* wait for *twitch* me *runs after Masky*

Jane:*nearly bangs into Toby* Hey watch it twitchy

Jeff: -_- who the fuck let the slut in

Jane: >3< shadup Jeff

Me: Pff hahaha god one Jeff

Jeff:*blushes* thanks Writer

BEN:*nugdes Jeff* Does Jeffy got the hots for Writer

Jeff: NO! >3< *kicks BEN out the window* so what you talking about

Me: Oh yeah I want more people to ask more Questions, dares and other shit :)

BEN:*climbs back threw window* And Seven mins in heaven for Jeff and Writer ;)

Jeff/Me: BEN!! *blushes and pushes BEN back out the window*

Slendy: Goodbye children

*camra falls and brokes so start the sad music!*

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