random dance party and Pranks XD

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KatTheMightyCat: I dare everyone to have a random dance party in a store while wearing the most embarrassing bit of clothing you own

Everyone:*in some random store* DANCE PARTY!!!!!

*random music plays*

Jeff:*does the robot*


Slendog:*pelvis thrusts*

Old woman: Children these days *shakes head*

Me: yo, woman just because your old and wrinkly doesn't mean you can judge up

Old Woman: I beg your parten

Me: did I stutter? Will did I you bag of dust and bones

Dark: we better go and next

Belieber4life99: I dare Jeff and BEN to egg people while there asleep and put someone hand in warm water while they sleep *evil laugh*

Jeff:*grabs warm water*

BEN:*grabs eggs* lego


Me: JEFF, BEN!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff: O_O shit run

Slendog: WE PUT MEH HAND IN WARM WATER!!!!!! *comes down stairs pissed to the eye balls well if he had any*


BEN: asks questions, dares, would you rathers and other shit you can think of BAI!!!!!

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