Chapter 18 - End

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    This time into the group is no different from the past, the only difference is that this is the first leading role Wen Su received after coming here.

    Although Wen Su played the heroine in "Murder" and "The Legend of the Immortal", but it is a male lead role in the end, and her role is naturally inferior to that of the male lead, but in "Profiler", Wen Su is the only leading role.

    The emotional line of this drama is not obvious. It can be said that there is no emotional line at all. The key point is to investigate one case after another. The main line is the murder of the colleague when he was young. The colleague is the only one who survived. Children with severe sequelae.

    As the real and only starring, Wen Su naturally has to provoke the responsibility of publicity. As early as the live broadcast, she revealed to the audience that "Profiler" will start filming in August, and the follow-up Chu Jingshu's "live broadcast error" Take this live broadcast to a new level.

    So when the news of the launch of "Profiler" came out, netizens all paid attention to it and found that this drama turned out to be a criminal investigation theme, and they became more interested for a while.

    This drama is not an adaptation of a well-known i. Fortunately, Wen Su's current influence is no less than that of a well-known i. Especially after the appearance of excellent high-scoring works such as "The Chronicle of Yunling" and "Murder", netizens have a lot of praise for her. Attitude became more gentle.

    Some netizens compared the actors of the same age as Wen Su and the same period, and found that every single item of Wen Su was a first-class fight.

    As for the lack of movie resources, most netizens feel that it should be easy to enter the movie circle with Wen Su's family background. Seeing that she has been filming TV series, they acquiesce that she wants to develop in the TV circle.

    Fans of many movie stars are not used to Sufan's praise of Wen Su's acting skills, and they insist that Wen Su's background does not make movies because she knows what level she is, so as not to be embarrassed on the big screen.

    There are not a few people who have this idea, because everyone knows the difference between the TV industry and the film industry, but it's just a tacit understanding.

    Until someone found out that the well-known young director Yuan Hejun liked and forwarded the comment on Weibo, which was launched by Wen Sufa's "Profiler"

    "Original Crane-kun: Congratulations, but don't forget to think about the role"

    Fans of the original director: ? ? ?

    Fans of the original director: Is this a stolen account?

    Soon, however, Wen Su responded, commenting on this Weibo with an ok gesture, and fans immediately exploded:

    "Susu is going to make a movie?! Susu is great!"

    "Wow , I like watching Yuan Hejun's movies very much. It's really great that Susu will star in Yuan Hejun's new play!"

    "Susu red duck! Sufan will always support you!"

    Soon Wen Su will star in Yuan Hejun's new drama! The news of the drama was on the hot search, especially when netizens found out that the two had already paid attention to each other, and they all sighed with emotion: It seems that Wen Su is planning to enter the film circle.

    With the support of fans, there will naturally be people who are not optimistic:

    "Wen Su has only been in transition for a year. This step is too big, and

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