Chapter 17

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    Wen Chu's live broadcast accident caused the fans' voices to get louder and louder. Fortunately, Wen Su didn't say anything too explicit, otherwise her positive image as a public figure would be compromised.

    Even if she doesn't interact much with fans, Wen Su still cares about her public image. Fortunately, she did not cause irreparable damage, otherwise Chu Jingshu would have escaped so easily.

    What followed was that more and more Wen Su were invited to do shows, and many of them invited the two of them to appear on shows together, most of which were love shows.

    Wen Su refused as usual, and Chu Jingshu felt a pity after hearing about it. If it weren't for her too busy work, she would still want to record a show with Wen Su. Thinking about it carefully, this is a good opportunity to date with Wen Su's upright and bright two people, and by the way, he will also gain a wave of C fans.

    The last live broadcast "accident" increased the popularity of Su Jing's super chat by a lot, far exceeding the popularity of Yu Yun c and other super chat, Chu Jingshu would not mind doing it again.

    Her thoughts made Wen Su both funny and speechless. She still expressed her position on Weibo very cooperatively, hoping that there would not be any comments related to pulling c in the comment area, otherwise the small vinegar jar at home would be turned over again.

    Fans were shown blood, and the label of "Boss" Chu Jingshu was refreshed again and again, and they all went to Chu Jingshu's Weibo to call her a little vinegar altar.

    Angrily, Chu Jingshu bit Wen Su twice, but she was not willing to exert any force. It was more like flirting than being angry.

    This live broadcast was not completely pleasing to everyone. For example, Lin Siya, who was filming at the filming base, was very angry. Sister Susu refused to let her live broadcast, but she started the live broadcast, which is obviously a lie.

    After receiving a call from Lin Siya, Little Tail Chu Jingtong hurriedly went to please her sister, expressing her desire to see Miss Fairy.

    She knows very well that it is better to please her sister than to please Wen Su. As long as her sister agrees, her sister will tell Wen Su where she needs to please Wen Su.

    In fact, Chu Jingtong's approach was very clever. Wen Su heard Chu Jingshu mention this, so she simply called Sister Jing and set a visit time.

    Originally, Wen Su planned to let Chu Jingshu take her little tail to visit the class, but Chu Jingshu had several important meetings in the past few days and couldn't escape. Chu Jingshu was worried that her sister would go there, so she asked Wen Su to go with her.

    It happened that Wen Su was not busy during this time, so he took Xiao Tai to the shooting base.


    It was Lin Siya’s assistant who came to pick them up. Lin Siya was filming on the set, so she couldn’t come to pick them up.

    Hearing that Miss Fairy was filming, Chu Jingtong couldn't help pulling La Wensu's sleeve.

    Wen Su glanced at her, met her hopeful gaze, sighed silently in her heart, and asked, "When will she finish filming?"

    Thinking of today's filming progress, the assistant's expression was a little embarrassed, "Today I will be filming the daytime scene. , it will end before it gets dark."

    Seeing the assistant's expression, Wen Su could roughly guess the reason. Nine times out of ten, Lin Siya stumbled while filming. After all, she had not received serious acting training. Very normal.

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