Chapter 14

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    This incident originated from a secret photo taken at the airport. The boy who went to pick up his friend accidentally caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl, and he was shocked. He secretly took this photo and sent it to his friends, and the friends were also shocked.

    So this photo went viral, and it became popular on various forums within half a day. Finally, the topic of looking for the fairy sister was directly raised on Weibo, but no one in the know appeared, as if this little fairy appeared out of thin air.

    The only clue is that some netizens identified the woman next to the fairy sister as Wen Su's manager Jing Yiqiu. Everyone guessed whether this might be the newly signed artist by Fanyue Film and Television, and hurriedly went to Jing Yiqiu's Weibo, Fan Yue Film and Television's official blog asked, but never got a response.

    This kind of reaction made everyone realize one thing - the little fairy may really be the artist Fan Yue just signed, and Fan Yue is probably holding back her big moves at the moment.

    However, some netizens also raised objections. Isn't Fanyue Film and Television specializing in Wen Su? How could it be possible to sign other artists.

    Not only netizens, but even those entertainment companies are trying to find ways to dig up information about this girl. With such a face, she can become a national goddess with a little packaging. Of course, such a good seedling must be grasped in their hands.

    Other netizens may not know, but they are the clearest, that Fan Yue was founded by Wen Su, a company established specifically for Wen Su's filming, Wen Su can let Fan Yue sign new artists?

    And even if the girl is a new artist signed by Fanyue, she can dig it out. It's normal for people to go to high places and birds to choose good trees to perch on.

    However, the scouts, who have always been pervasive, found that they couldn't dig out anything, and the girl seemed to jump out of thin air.

    In this way, there are only two possibilities. One is that this girl has an unfathomable background, and the other is that this girl is not Chinese at all.

    Faced with this situation, the entertainment company was helpless and could only contact Jing Yiqiu privately, trying to dig some news out of her mouth.

    But Jing Yiqiu either called haha, or didn't answer the phone, and didn't give them any chance at all.

    The popularity has been on the decline until the third day. After all, it's New Year's Eve. Everyone is happily preparing for the New Year and the festival. Who would put their minds on Weibo.

    However, at ten o'clock in the morning, Wen Su, who has always only posted work-related or rumored Weibo, suddenly updated a Weibo -

    Wen Su: Did you eat dumplings today? [Picture] [Picture]

    Since the face of Wen Su, fans have been expecting her to send some selfies, but they can't wait for the left and right. The only cute photo is from Mr. Chu's Weibo. That turned out.

    Now it's hard to wait for Wen Su to post on Weibo. Fans open the Weibo and want to enjoy Wen Su's beautiful photos. Then they see Mr. Chu, who makes dumplings, and a dumpling that is so ugly that its filling is exposed.

    Wen Suyan Powder: ? ? ?

    We are here to see you, not to see dumplings! This dumpling is so ugly!

    "President Chu is so cute, let's eat sugar first, dumplings don't taste good at first glance."

    "Whoever made these dumplings, my little niece makes them better than this one."

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