Chapter 2

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    The next morning, Wen Su got up early, took a shower and started practicing morning exercises. This is the basic skill as an actor. Fortunately, the original owner's body is still soft and full of energy, so it is not so hard to practice.

    After practicing morning exercises, Wen Su wrapped her bathrobe and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

    When Aunt Zhang, who was cooking porridge in the kitchen, heard the movement, she thought it was Chu Jingshu who got up. She stuck her head out and said, "Chu-ah, Miss Wen, the porridge is almost ready, wait a minute." She quickly changed her mind. He mouthed, still a little surprised.

    She has worked here for more than two years, and this is the first time she has seen Wen Su get up so early.

    Wen Su nodded carelessly and sat on the sofa to turn on the TV to watch the morning news. After reading two pieces of news, I heard footsteps on the stairs, and turned to look, it was Chu Jingshu.

    Thanks to Wen Su's concession last night and the kindness of the Wen couple, Chu Jingshu rarely got a good night's sleep. After washing up with energy, she went downstairs for breakfast. She was stunned when she heard the news on the TV, and then she saw Wen Su sitting on the sofa, and she stood still for a while before she realized, "...Good morning."

    Wen Su just glanced at her and said The sentence "early" turned his head. Chu Jingshu was wearing a burgundy silk nightgown, lining her icy muscles and jade bones, and her figure was also bulging forward and backward, graceful and slender, not to mention the long legs that were terribly long. . It hurts her heart to look at her one more time. She finally met a girl who couldn't be more in line with her, but she couldn't have any behavior that crossed the line.

    Squeezing out the little thoughts in her heart, Wen Su looked at the news, and after seeing the interpretation of the new regulations, she suddenly felt that her heart was dull and hopeless.

    As always, Chu Jingshu chose a sofa that was not too far away from Wen Su and sat down, and said with a smile, "You got up so early, are you rushing to film?"

    Wen Su was silent after hearing this, "Yun Ling" The "Chronicle" crew hasn't sent the script yet, and she's just getting up early in the habit of getting up.

    Seeing that she didn't answer, Chu Jingshu was not angry either. She had long been accustomed to the character of the other party. If Wen Su answered any questions, she would find it strange.

    The two sat on the sofa watching the news in silence, until a quarter of an hour later, Aunt Zhang brought breakfast to the table and greeted, "Breakfast is ready."

    The two of them changed to the dining table and sat down, fortunately there was food stuffed Keep your mouth shut and don't think about what to say.

    Wen Su picked up the steaming bun and took a bite. The moment he tasted the filling, he almost couldn't control his expression - this bun has no meat!

    Are buns without meat still buns? This is a soulless bun!

    Chu Jingshu, who had been secretly observing Wen Su, noticed something was wrong with her. Although the other party quickly regained her calm look, she still caught the fleeting stiffness.

    Is the bag broken? Chu Jingshu couldn't help but think about it, reached out and took a bite of a bun.

    The delicious vegetarian buns, made by Aunt Zhang, are Wen Su's favorite flavor, and there is nothing wrong with them.

    So what happened to her just now?

    Wen Su, who knew nothing about Chu Jingshu's thoughts, was thinking about whether she should move out. The original owner was a typical vegetarian lover, and she didn't like meat. She couldn't bear to eat grass like a sheep every day.

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