Chapter 9

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    Little Tail Chu Jingtong is a fan of "Yunling Chronicle". When she learned that "Yunling" was going to be adapted into a TV series, her heart was conflicted. When she learned that her favorite and most hated roles were actually played by Wen Su, the conflict in her heart became complicated.

    So when Wen Su went to the studio to shoot, Chu Jingtong struggled for a long time, and hoped that Wen Su could perform well.

    On the day of the broadcast, Chu Jingtong finished her homework early and sat on the sofa to watch the premiere of "The Chronicle of Yunling".

    After all, Wen Su is still her sister's wife, and her works should be supported by herself.

    Chu Jingtong persuaded herself like this.

    Wen Su was reading the script of "The Legend of the Immortal" on the sofa, and saw Little Tail sitting cross-legged on the carpet with a bag of melon seeds, and asked casually, "Have you finished your homework?"

    He glanced at Wen Su who was writing and drawing, Knowing that she was preparing for the new drama, Chu Jingtong felt a little disapproving, her face restrained very well, and she muttered, "It's already done."

    Wen Su replied casually, looking at the script intently, Analyze the character characteristics of the character in the book and outline the general image of the character.

    Chu Jingtong was more or less curious about the actors' filming process.

    Wen Su raised her hand and put her head on her head, and said in a cold tone: "Block the light."

    Chu Jingtong: ...

    Chu Jingtong turned around angrily and sat back, not looking at it, who thought it was rare!

    "The Chronicle of Yunling" officially started at 8:00 pm. At this time, Strawberry Channel was still broadcasting a variety show. Chu Jingtong was not interested in this show, but he was too lazy to change the channel, so he nibbled melon seeds lazily.

    Wen Su glanced at the station logo, and then remembered that today is the day of the premiere of "Yunling". He took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo to take a look, and found that his Weibo had already forwarded and commented on the Weibo of the "Yunling" crew, among which Deng Xueyi and Jian Wei both forwarded and expressed their support.

    Seeing Deng Xueyi, Wen Su was a little helpless.

    Deng Xueyi sent her back that day, and the next day she received a call from Deng Xueyi. To be precise, it was Deng Xueyi's fiancee "Xiaoyu".

    "Xue Yi has a simple temperament, I warn you, it's best to stay away from her, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

    This voice is indeed nice, but it is a lot worse than Chu Chu.

    Wen Su's words were a little confusing. Didn't Deng Xueyi come to her?

    Although he didn't understand what this Miss Yu was thinking, in consideration of Deng Xueyi's face, Wen Su still assured herself that she would stay away from Deng Xueyi.

    "You know each other!" The other party snorted and hung up the phone.

    Wen Su didn't say much, and Deng Xueyi did not contact her later.

    When she thought that a friendship would be annihilated like this, Wen Su received a private message from Deng Xueyi on Weibo, and only then did she know what happened that night.

    When Deng Xueyi was going back, she happened to bump into Miss Yu and accompany Mrs. Deng back from shopping. Miss Yu saw that she was so drunk that no one could recognize her, and she smelled the unfamiliar perfume on her body, so she immediately decided that Wen Su had poured her wine with bad intentions.

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