Entry 7

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"So you're telling me that you went out looking for me and ended up in the backrooms yourself?"

It has been a couple of hours and everybody was full of energy again, but at this point we have completed lost track of time. Veggie is now explaining how he got in the backrooms.

"Yea, we were wondering why you were so late and when we stepped outside of the room we saw the cake you were holding smashed on the ground, so I thought you got angry about something and went into the elevator, but the there was a blackout and when the lights turned back on we found ourselves in level 0 and after that we kinda just went anywhere we could and then ended up here where we tried to walk further but only ended up getting chased by thousands of entities."

Great, looks like it's only going to get worse as we try to escape.

I'm not trying to be negative here, but let's just say we have no way of escaping. Look: Lucy is pretty much useless most of the time, Veggie from what I know can run really fast and comes up with very interesting ideas but he's sort of a pussy. Fish, well, I don't know much about fish. And I don't like I would be able to help in this situation, either.

We all agreed to just walk around a bit, however in groups of two. And to get to know each other more we mixed the groups up a bit. Veggie went with Lucy and I teamed up with fish. Their group walked north whilst ours walked south.

It was quite weird because, frankly, we did not encounter any entities at all, not even a sign of them. With no hallucinations, weird noises, and clues, we decided we can walk a bit further down.

"Celeste, isn't this kinda weird?" Fish was wondering the same thing as me, it's like he took the words out of my mouth.

I nodded, "And shall I add, this direction seems safer than everywhere else. May we maybe fetch the others and explore together"

Fish thought about it for a moment, and shook his head in disagreement. "Well we haven't found anything particularly related to possible escapes, I think we should leave them alone and see if they find anything before us."

He had a point, and so we continued down the path, it was the same thing. We didn't hear anything out of place and we didn't see signs of entities either. It's like this area is completely safe. And just as I was drowning within my thoughts, I ran into fish.

"What's wrong? Why'd you suddenly stop walking"

Still with my hand on my head, I peaked over his shoulder and sees a bunch of rocks piled up, blocking something. We looked at each other, yea, this was surely the time to call over Veggie and Lucy to help.

And so we did, and funnily enough we found ourselves easily getting Veggie and Lucy because they were both deathly afraid and didn't move much from where we started.

Fish moved half of the rocks since he was the strongest of the group, the other two split the rest. And I, well, since my arm was injured, I just helped blow away some of the dust so we could better see what we were working on.

And at the end, our effort was payed off. In front of us was a big red door which, seemed potentially dangerous but is still better than nothing.

"Well?" Lucy said in a shaky tone, "aren't you going to open it, Celeste?"

"Yea sure, why not."

I grabbed the handle but Veggie stopped me.

"Celeste, this is a big red door. Haven't you learnt from anym of the supernatural rituals you have been reading?"

"No, not particularly." I brushed his hand away, leaving him stunned. Then I flung open the door and walked in as fish pushed the other two into it with me.

We were in a sort of vintage hotel-lobby thing, there were flowers planted in shades of light yellow and white and there was a door behind us which had beautiful patterns carved into it. Without hesitation I again open the newly found door presented to us.

Our visions were immediately blurred by the colourful light, and revealed beautiful casino buildings once they have focused.

"Woah, this place is so pretty!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Pretty, but potentially and probably dangerous." Veggie was ruining the moment again.

"Chillax Veggie, finally a level that doesn't seem as dangerous, we should be enjoying ourselves yeah?"
I attempted to cheer up the squad again with my own excitement. After all, I'm known for my good luck, we could probably win so many supplies and potentially get out of the backrooms from here!

Of course, being obviously the most mature of the group, our first mission is to get some food and water. And I dragged them into one of the enterance casinos. Sat down at a table in which you gamble supplies, and started the round of poker.

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