Ashton - Divergent AU

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Ashton - They were gonna make us fight the dauntless-born. 
I'm lucky that I have Christina to tell me so I can get some extra practice in before the match, seeming as Eric hates me and will probably put me with someone who will kill me. Those poor amity that still dislike violence. I mean, at least I know the basics after last summer when I came to visit Christina and she taught be the basics of fighting. 
Anyway, I've planned what's gonna happen. I'm gonna get partnered with Ashton Irwin, or someone like that, and I'm gonna surrender half way through and Eric's probably gonna throw me into the Chasm and expect me to be able to magically grab onto something. Then I'll die. 
Sneaking out of the dorms, feeling like a spy, I tiptoe towards the training room. Entertained, I pretend to be a spy, luckily there was no-one there. 'Shooting' things and creeping round walls, I reach the training room, highly amused with myself. Suddenly becoming serious, I go into stance and begin my training. After around half an hour, a voice says.
"You're standing wrong." I scream, jumping round to see a tall boy with curly golden locks, whom I know to be Ashton Irwin.
"Damn you scared me." I breath heavily whilst he giggles at me.
He really has an adorable giggle.
"Here, let me help." He says, walking up to me and taking my arms to put them in the right position. I can feel his breath down the back of my neck making my hairs stand on end. Bending down, he grabs one of my legs gently, placing it in a better position. 
"There you go." He smiles at me and I thank him before punching the bag again, feeling more power flow through my body and into the bag.
"How about we go in the ring? Then you can practice parrying and dodging and all that jazz?" Ashton suggests and my eyes widen slightly.
"Sure, I mean, I need an excuse to get out of tomorrow." I mutter.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He giggles at me.
"Well, you probably know this, but Eric is gonna put us against the dauntless-borns and if I go in the ring now, you might bruise my head, or knock me out so I on't have to go through that humiliation tomorrow."
"Well, sorry to disappoint but I'm not gonna hurt you." He says kindly, leading me towards the ring.
" You won't be saying that tomorrow when I get partnered with you."
"How do you know that we'll get partnered together?"
"Eric hates my guts. I'm lucky I haven't been killed, probably due to Christina stopping him. He's put me against all the strong people and I've lost nearly all of them. If I lose one more, I'll probably be out of here." I sigh. "The only reason I'm not is because I'm Christina's cousin." HE smiles at me sadly, rubbing my back slightly. 
"Just but all your anger into the punches."
"I don't want to hurt you!" I say quickly, but he just laughs. Gesturing for me to come into the ring, he stands in stance. Slightly nervous, I step on daintily. Circling each other, he throws the first punch, and I remember what Christina told me about looking at the feet, so I dodge it.
"Good." He comments. He punches again, and I was still marvelling about dodging the first time. He catches me in the stomach and I groan in pain.
"Oh god, did I hurt you?" He asks, worried. Using this to my advantage, I throw a punch at his stomach and he stumbles back.
"Playing dirty, ey?" He smirks at me. I nod, biting my lip to stop a smile appearing on my lips. Suddenly, he punches forward and I quickly duck as he grabs my body, as I was off guard. I kick his knee making him drop me and punch his face. A 'crunch' sound fills the round and I realise what I have done. 
Oh shit.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?! Is it broken!?" His hand covered his nose and I see blood dripping from it.
"Oh no! I made you bleed. God, I'm such a bad person." He chuckles at my fretting.
"Hey, it's okay. My nose is used to it. Great hit, though. You're not as bad as you make out you are."  My cheeks turn red at this. 
"Let me help you back to your dorm." I insist and he nods, getting up. We walk in a comfortable silence until we reach his dorm.
"What are you doing?" He asks as I walk in behind him.
"Helping you." I say as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yeah, obviously." He says sarcastically. 
"Okay, if you're gonna be like that, you can just bleed to death. I just won't have to fight you tomorrow. Fine with me." I say dramatically, walking out to his chuckling.

The next day, I walk out of the dorms, smiling slightly. I see Ashton walking down.
"Wait, how are you not dead?" I ask, smiling at him.
"Magic." He winks at me, making my heart flutter a little. "You ready for this?" He asks and I nod.
"I think last night really helped." I say truthfully even if I'm still scared about being kicked out of Dauntless. "Promise to go easy on me?" he giggles slightly.
"I think I might need to ask you that. I'm the one who ended up with a bloody nose." He says and I blush.
"You were going easy." I mumble as we reach the room. People turn to look at us. We were unlikely friends, him being very popular and me being, well I was pretending to be a spy last night. I start to wander away from him, towards the corner of the room. You could say that I wasn't very good at making friends, people found me weird. I'm very surprised that me and Ashton became friends. He looks over at me, frowning before walking over.
"Don't you wanna talk to me? Do you enjoy being alone?" He asks and I sigh.
"Look, people don't like me. It's normal. You just hang out with your friends." I point towards Luke, Michael and Calum. He sighs and starts to walk away before grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him. I cry out in protest but he ignores me.
"Guys, this is (y/n). (Y/n), this is Luke, Michael and Calum." He says whilst I look down at my feet, which suddenly became really interesting. 
"Don't be shy." Ash whisper to me and I respond.
"I'm not being shy, my feet are really interesting." This makes the boys laugh and I finally look up at them. 
"So (y/n), how'd you meet Ash?" Michael asks.
"Well, last night, he helped me practice for today. But I'm surprised he's even here, I thought he would bleed to death after not wanting my help. Oh right, you weren't there.." I mumble the last part. The boys look at Ash in confusion and he says.
"She punched my nose and it started bleeding. She's better at fighting than she looks." He teases me and I slap his arm.
"Excuse you, but I'm a lot stronger than you think." I state making him giggle.
"Okay guys, I've just put up the list of competitors." Eric calls out and I gulp. 
"I can't look!" I say dramatically as the boys walk over to the sheet.
I wait anxiously. 
"(Y/n), you're with...

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