Bad boy AU

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Ashton - Tutor the bad boy. Of course. Obviously, my teachers hate me. I have to tutor that one guy who sits at the back of the class making snarky comments and throwing pencils whilst listening to music at the loudest setting that now, I know all the words to every song. And I sit in the first row..
I walk into a smaller classroom, my shoulders hunched from weariness and dread of what is going to happen. I'm not the first tutor, I'm the fifth person they've send to tutor him, but they all quit after a few days. I was not going to crack that easily. I worked to damn hard to not get a place in Harvard. Straight As, never gotten a detention, never missed a day of school - not even for my grandma's funeral - and a 4.8 GPA. All I needed now, was to tutor someone so I could have my ideal reputation for Harvard to see. They won't care if I'm a nerd or not, or if I have a boyfriend or not. That's why I'm so focused on school.
I set up the textbooks I brought in order of what we would be doing, and got out some worksheets, with extra pens and pencils as he seemingly had chewed his to death. I look at my watch, ten minutes late. Rolling my eyes, I listen to a little bit of Fall Out Boy to pass the time until another ten minutes when the door slams open, and my eyes widen. Ashton, punching this guy called Gregory Rogers, who had blood dripping down his face.
"ASHTON! STOP!" I scream and he looks up to see my shocked face, before looking down at the poor boy again. He lets go of his collar.
"If I ever hear a word from you again..." He treats in a low voice as the boy scrambles out of the classroom.
"Okay! Not only do you come twenty minutes late, you come in punching the living daylights out of some boy! That is not how I work. I need you to be compatible, so you will do this." I tell him, poking his chest before motioning for him to sit down.
"You won;t be late again, okay?" I say, rubbing my temples. He stays silent, a cocky grin sketched on his face. Man, this was gonna be a long day.
I start by handing a maths worksheet.
"Fill this out, so I can see your progress." I instruct.
"Yes sir." He mutters sarcastically and I glare at him , before listening to Fall Out Boy again. After ten minutes, I look over to see him finished.
"How long have you been done?" I ask, annoyed that he didn't alert me.
"About, five minutes. I found your singing so adorable, I just couldn't stop you." He says with a sly smirk and I roll my eyes, my cheeks turning red.
"Shut-up." I mumble before grabbing the sheet and marking it, frowning.
"You got full marks." I say in disbelief, more to myself than to him and that famous cocky grin of his returns.
"How did you get full marks, did you cheat?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "But, it doesn't make sense. You've never got full marks in a test, in your life." I say.
"Well, maybe your a better teacher than the rest of them." He suggests, a hint of an actual smile on his face.
"Well, we can move on to more advanced maths, then." I say, pushing two textbooks onto the floor and handing him another worksheet.

Calum - New house, new town, new people, new start. I had a chance to restart my life, not be the nerd people used to pick on me for being. I could be popular and smart. I could be cool but still like books. I could know the trends and still listen to bands. Just, maybe not yet. Unfortunately, I had already made a fool of myself and I hadn't even started school yet.
I went shopping the yesterday, to start my new style, and tripped over the racks, not only falling over in front of people who were probably my class mates, but bringing the rack down with me. Luckily, I nice boy with tanned skin and dark hair helped me up and put the clothes back. People stared a lot.
What I am wondering, though, is why such a handsome guy like him helped me and didn't laugh like the others. He didn't seem nerdy, he seemed cool and popular. I don't know...

Even the building was judging me. I could feel it, people were staring, whispering as I opened the locker that the receptionist had finally told me about, after ten minutes of pointless chatter. I'm glad I re-stocked my make-up and got contacts.
I see him. The guy from the store. He looks different. Black skinny jeans, a leather jacket, piercing scattered around his face, a tattoo poking out of his rolled up sleeve.
Don't tell me the one guy I thought I had a chance of making friends with, was the school's bad boy. Wow, I'm an idiot.
He looks over and winks. Winks? I feel my cheeks turn red, he had just caught me staring at him. And why is he winking at me? Surely I wasn't the best to offer in this school, or I feel sorry for the people here.
Looking around, I see a bunch of girls still whispering. Yes, they were pretty.
Suddenly, I feel my books fall out of my hands. I spin around to see a girl wearing a slutty top, and a mini skirt, her designer bag draped over her arm and her posse crowding around her.
"Whoops! Sorry!" She gives me a fake smile. "Look, nerd. Keep away from Calum. He's mine." She whispers into my ear harshly as she walks past. stand still her a moment, shocked before remembering my books on the floor. I drop, down and begin collecting the scattered books.
"Let me help." I hear a voice say in front of me and I look up to see the boy from the store standing, holding a few books.
"Oh, it's fine, really." I stutter, quickly grabbing them from his hands and shoving them in my locker.
"My name's Calum, by the way." He smiles kindly and my eyes widen.
"I, I think I should go." I say hurriedly, I really didn't need enemies on my first day of school.
"At least tell me your name." He calls after me, as I scuttle down the halls.
"(y/n)!" I call out behind me, walking towards English where I had my first lesson.

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