Harry Potter AU - Part two

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Ashton - Ashton's POV
"Guys I'm not going." I say for the fifth time. "I'm just gonna skip." Luke sighs and Mikey flicks his head.
"Dude! What's the worst that can happen?" Mikey says.
"Er, my boggarts gonna show what I think it's gonna show and then it'll happen in real life." I say, throwing a pillow at him. 
"Look, your coming whether you like it or not." Calum says. "We'll drag you if we have to." He adds.
"I don't know why you guys are so obsessed with making me go. You skip all the time."
"Yeah, for fun. You're scared." Luke says. Groaning, a get up. 
"Fine." I say and they cheer. We walk down to the classroom and I see (Y/n) standing in the corner. She waves at us and I give her a weak smile. God, why does she have to be so gorgeous. 
"Okay everyone! We are gonna be using the boggart today. Who'd like to go first?" The Professor asks. One hand goes up. "Okay, Henry." I glance over at Mikey who grins at me. 'Go next'. He mouths and I shake my head. 'You're meant to be a Gryffindor.' I smile a little. The boggart changed into a large dragon. I see (Y/n) standing next to me.
"It's a Peruvian Vipertooth." She whispers. Of course she knows that. I mean, it's super obvious and all. 
"Ridiculous!" Henry shouts and the dragon shrinks into a baby dragon, trapped in a cage. More people step up, (Y/n)'s being as Luke teased. Getting and a T on her charms OWL. It suddenly seemed that I was the last one. 
"Anyone else left?" The teacher calls out.
"Yeah! Ashton hasn't gone!" Mikey calls out and I glare over at him. Damn it. I slowly step forward. The boggart springs out of the cupboard and instantly turns into (Y/n). 
"Ew! I would never go out with you! Your just a dumb Gryffindor! Your such a creep, Ashton Irwin! I HATE you!" She says.
"Ridiculous!" I shout at it, biting my lip. It turns into us both... kissing. Oh dear lord. I drop my wand and run out of the classroom, my cheeks red and I was so embarrassed.
Your POV
My eyes widen at the boggart in front of me. It was me. Me. Ashton was afraid of me .. hating him? Rejecting him? 
"Ridiculous!" He yells at it and the next image makes my eyes widen even more. We were kissing. Ash drops his want and runs out of the classroom. Did he.. did he like me? I look over at Luke as the professor traps the boggart back in the cupboard. 
"I'm going to find him. What's the password?" I ask. Luke whispers it to me and I go up to the professor.
"Erm, sir. Is it okay if I go find Ash?" I ask quietly. He nods.
"I take it you didn't know." He says and I nod before walking out of the classroom.
I walk into the common room and upstairs, entering Ash's dorm. I see him curled up under the covers of his bed. 
"Ash?" I say softly. His head whips round and I smile gently.
"I' I didn't want you to find out that way." He says faintly. I sit down on his bed and grab his face tenderly and press my lips against his soft ones. I kiss him slowly and he takes a moment to register what I was doing, before kissing back. 

((A/N) I didn't have much inspiration for Calum's so sorry if it sucks)

Calum - Calum's POV
"I- I kissed her." I say to the boys. "Oh my god, she's gonna hate me now!" Ash smiles kindly at me.
"She's not going to hate you. She kissed you back! She told Luke that she liked you." He says and I shake my head. 
"Don't say that. You're lying." I say. "If only she knew how in love with her I am! Every night, she's all I ever think about. I just, I just can't lose her now."
"Dude! I say, just go and kiss her again and then confess your feelings. She definitely likes you back. I've seen her staring at you during breakfast and lunch. Plus, every time we sit together and chat, her attention is always solely on you." Mikey says. 
Your POV
I manage to escape the celebrations in Ravenclaw and run down to Slytherin common room, walking in. Luke told me the password earlier this week when I told him I would do his homework for a month. I get a lot of stares from random Slytherins, but that was to be expected, since I was a Ravenclaw. I run up the stairs and stop at a room which I hear Mikey''s voice. I open it slightly and the boys look at me.
"We'll leave you two alone." Luke says and I go and sit by Calum.
"What do you want, (Y/n)." He says sourly. 
"That was mean, you know." I start. "You can't just kiss me and make me believe that you liked me back! That I had a chance. But no, you had to leave. Make me feel like another one of your whores. You're toying with my heart, Calum! I'm bloody in love with you!" I yell, my voice raising at the end as I try to keep tears from running down my face.
"You're in love with me?" He asks, sounding astonished. 
"Yes! You idiot! I have been since our second year here!" I shout. 
"I though - I thought you liked Luke." He whispers.
"Luke? Oh god no." I laugh breathlessly. 
"I thought you didn't want me so I ran." He explains making me laugh again.
"You dork." I say and lean up to kiss him again.

Michael - I head into the party, wearing a slim-fitting black dress. The party was hosted by Ash, which wasn't surprising as he hosted most of the best parties. I was lucky to get invited, but I was good friends with the boys- apart from Michael- and Luke was one of my best friends so I'm not to surprised. I'm surprised that I came though. I'm more the sitting at home and reading or watching YouTube type. I dance with some friends for a while before Ash calls out.
"Time for 7 minutes in heaven!" I groan and move to let others go through. I see Luke smirking evilly. I shake my head rapidly but he comes over and grabs my arm. 
"Come on (Y/n)! Put something in the hat!" He says and I roll my eyes, dropping one of my earrings in. 
"If you lose this, I will be so pissed off at you." I warn, before sitting down. A few minutes, Luke comes and takes me to a closet.
"You've got a right charmer." He winks and I flick him, going into the closet. 
"Hi (Y/n)." I hear a voice.
"Michael?" I ask and he chuckles. 
"Your so obsessed with me! You can tell who I am just by my voice!" He says cockily. " Well, as I guess we won't be doing anything, do you want some water?" He asks and I nod, turning the dim light on. He passes me the bottle and I'm about to have some but I smell a familiar smell. Peppermint and freshly baked bread. 
"You put the love potion in it." I state. He sighs. "Why did you put some of the potion in it? Was it for a prank? I bet it was." I'm accuse. The light suddenly turns off and I feel his body pressed against mine. I feel his lips press against my neck and my breath hitches at the feeling. He kisses down the soft skin and I let out a moan as he kisses a certain spot. I can feel his smirk on my skin and he begins sucking and biting as I move my head to the left to give him better access. My eyes were clamped shut as I treasured the feeling. 
Without warning the door swings open allowing light to pour in. Mikey moves away from me quickly but everyone had already seen. Plus there was a hickey on my neck which hadn't been there before I went in the cupboard. I want out, self-consciously covering my neck with my hand. 
"Does that explain why?" I hear Mikey's voice say from next to me. I smile at him and nod before placing my lips upon his.

Luke - "Hey! Where's Luke!" I ask her and she giggles slightly before saying seriously.
"No, Hi Em, how are you doing. You're so obsessed with him, god." She teases and I roll my eyes. "He's with Mikey, Cal and Ash over at the Slytherin table. I turn my head to see three of them with a boy wearing all black and with quiffed hair. Is that Luke? No wonder those girls were giggling like hyenas a few minutes ago. I walk over to them.
"Hey guys." I say slowly. They all turn to look at me and I notice blue oceanic  eyes peer into mine.
"Hey babe. Good to see you showed up." He slings an arm around my waist and pulls me into his side. My eyes widen. Babe? Since when did he say babe? And is that a lip ring?
"Mikey, what did you do to Luke?" I ask, making them all laugh.
"It was all willingly. He came of his own accord. He asked me to." Mikey confesses and I look up at Luke who was winking at some 5th year girls. 
"Can I - Can I talk to you for a moment, Mikey?" I ask and he nods, getting up.
"Why is Luke, like, that?" I ask again once we are out of earshot. 
"I'm gonna be honest with you, (Y/n). Luke's madly in love with you, but you can't tell him I told you. Complete the puzzle." He sighs.
"Oh dear lord, I told him I liked you because I liked bad boys." I slap myself. "Oh, and FYI, I don't like you like that, I like Luke and I wanted to see if he got jealous."
"Wait, do you not like it?"
"No! I like it! he looks very hot and when he was winking at those 5th year girls I got very jealous." I admit, making Mikey smirk.
"Just as I suspected." He says. "Okay, here's the plan. I came up with it when you were rattling on about how hot he is." He grins at me and I slap his arm. "Your gonna go and kiss him. Just like that. Boom." He says proudly.
"But, now that he's all bad boy and stuff, there are girls worshipping him. He could have any girl he wants." I sigh.
"Look (Y/n). He is head over heels in love with you. Just stick to my plan and it'll all work like clockwork." Mikey assures me and we begin walking back. I nervously walk as slowly as possible making Mikey roll his eyes at me. We reach the table and I grab Luke's head, lowering it to my face and connect our lips. He doesn't kiss back for a moment and my heart drops. God, this is a mistake! Suddenly, I feel his lips passionately kissing back. His arms go round my waist to pull me in closer to him and mine weave around his neck. The boys whistle all around us but I am too concentrated on kissing Luke to hear it. I detach my lips from his, breathing heavily and placing my forehead against his.
"I love you, Luke." I whisper.

"I love you, too."

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