Harry Potter AU

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Ashton - I start the piece of homework we had got from our previous class. My best friends, Vivian and Andrea, had abandoned me to hang out with some Hufflepuff boys. I had turned down the offer, even though it was ore aimed towards the others. They won't miss me.
"(Y/n)! Come on! Let's do something fun!" I hear a voice say from above me. I look up to see Luke Hemmings, one of my other best friends. "No. Go away." I say, throwing a pencil at his forehead. Rubbing his forehead with one hand, he grabs my arm and pulls me up.
"Your so boring!" He whines, dragging me over to where his friends were sitting.
"I'll throw my calculator at you if you don't let go of me." I threaten him, making him laugh.
"(Y/n) is gonna hang with us today, okay?" He tells his friends as we reach them. Grumbling to myself, I sit down next to Luke and Ashton.
"You guys carry on your conversation, just forget I'm here." I say, getting my wand out of my pocket. Ashton's cheeks turn red and all the other boys laugh.
"We can't do that, can we Ash?" Michael teases him and I frown, confused.
"What's wrong? Why can't you? I won't tell anyone. I may be a nerd, but I'm not a snitch." I say.
"It's n-nothing." Ashton stutters and I cast a spell to bring my homework over here.
"Stop being such a show-off, (y/n)!" Luke whines at me. I frown at him.
"Not everyone can do spells without saying them out loud." He says and I blush.
"How much have you written?" Ashton says, peering over my shoulder. "I thought we were only meant to write half a scroll." I blush again, looking at my two scrolls.
"I, well, I got a bit carried away. I find it quite interesting." We had to write half a scroll on Boggarts. Tomorrow, we were going to practice with real boggarts which I was looking forward to.
"What do you think your boggart will change into?" Calum asks and I frown, thinking about it.
"(Y/n)'s will be getting a T on her OWLs." Luke jokes and I glare at him.
"We know what Ash's would be." Michael sniggers and I'm confused again.

Calum - Grabbing my broom, I run out of the changing rooms to where I was meant to be giving a team talk. I was captain of Ravenclaw quidditch team and today we were playing against Slytherin. It was gonna be tough, especially with Calum Hood playing today. And, one of my best players broke his arm yesterday, which was very annoying. I had to quickly replace him with another keeper who I didn't know if he could block Calum's goals. Guess I just had to get the quaffle before him.
"Okay guys. This is gonna be a tough game. But, we can do it. I believe in you guys and I think we are capable enough to beat them. Look out for foul play, this is Slytherin." I say to my team who nod. We stand, ready to play.
"Hello everyone! You ready for this game, cause I am! Today we have Ravenclaw vs Slytherin and damn, is it gonna be tight. My best friend, Calum, against Luke's best friend, (Y/n)." Mikey says into the intercom. I see him grinning at me and I hold up a thumbs up.
"Firstly, lets introduce the Ravenclaw team! There keeper recently breaking an arm meaning he can't play. Game changing stuff."
"Oi Clifford! Stop trying to make my team feel bad about themselves." I yell out him making him grin cheekily at me.
"And now, the Slytherin team! Not much juice on them, unfortunately."
The game begins.
I fly up, after the quaffle, grabbing it from Calum's reach arms. I zoom off, dodging bludgers and people before throwing it to Henry, another chaser. He flies towards the goal, throwing it in as it effortlessly glides through the right hoop. I cheer and stick my tongue out at Calum.
The game carries on and we're up 70-60.
"SNITCH!" I scream out, looking at a small golden thing that had just flown past me. I quickly press my hands against my mouth, seeing that the Slytherin seeker was closer.
"Oops." I whisper to myself.
My seeker, a small girl called Belle, speeds towards me, quickly catching up with the Slytherin seeker. Suddenly, I see the quaffle whizzing towards me. I quickly grab it, flying towards the hoops, and shooting. It scrapes the hands of the Slytherin keeper.
80-60 now.
I suddenly hear the whistle being blown for the the end of the game. I look over to see Belle holding up the snitch. Cheering loudly, I fly over, hugging her.
"Good game, Hood." I say, flying down towards Calum.
"You too." He smiles. My heart does a little leap of joy at the sight. I might have a not-so little crush on him. Unexpectedly, I feel a body being pressed against mine and lips upon mine. My eyes widen to see Calum's familiar hair above me. I close my eyes, kissing back passionately. He disconnects his lips from mine, backing away.
"Oh dear lord, I can't believe I just did that." He whispers, running away.

Michael - I walk into my potions class sourly. Me and Michael- this massive jerk from Slytherin - had just had a massive argument. He is so annoying! Professor Snape stops me as I walk in.
"New seating plan." He says plainly. He points to a seat at the back with an empty chair next to it. I get unpacked and sit down at the desk. I see Michael walk in, smirking. Snape's glance turns to me and my eyes widen. He better not sit next to me. Michael comes striding over, smirking at me.
"Hello, partner." He says, sitting down next to me and I groan. Him?! Of all people. Snape hates me.
"What's wrong, sugar?" He asks, amused.
"Don't call me that!" I snap at him.
"Why not, Sugar?" He asks again.
I glare at him.
"You are so infuriating!"I tell him and he smirks, again. "All I wanted was to get on with my work, but no! I had to be placed next to a dip shit." I mutter.
"What did you say?" Michael says, annoyed.
"Proves my point." I answer.
"How are you a Ravenclaw, you're like, Slytherin mean."
"Firstly, dumbass, you started it. And secondly, I'm actually smart. I'm not going to be nice to someone as much of a jackass as you." I retort. He scoffs.
"Why'd I have to be partnered with you?"He asks.
"I asked that to myself earlier. God must hate you." I answer, smirking. He glares at me as Snape starts explaining what we were doing.
"Okay class. Today we will be making love potions."
"Don't use it on me." Michael whispers.
"I wouldn't dare." I raise my eyebrows. We get our ingredients out and begin brewing.
"Everyone's potion will smell different. The smell will be a mixture of what they smell like." Snape says as I stir my potion a little, it turning pumpkin orange colour. I giggle, looking over at Michael's who's was a azure blue.
"Also, the colour will vary depending on the smell." Snape adds, looking at all the different coloured potions. Once we were finished Snape says.
"Okay, I'm going to pick a few pairs to say what the other person's potion smells like. Calum and Fern; and Michael and (y/n)." I internally groan. Calum's smelt like vanilla and coconut, explaining the creamy colour. Fern's smelt like freshly cut grass and was a pear colour. Our turn. All eyes were on us. I hand mine over to Michael and he takes a small smell, sighing.
"Erm.. It smells like popcorn and melted chocolate." He says, passing his over. I sniff it slightly and get a delicious smell of peppermint and freshly baked bread.
"Peppermint and bread that has just come out of the oven." I say, smiling. Who would have thought he had such a nice smell.

(A/N) This is set when Luke didn't have his lip ring and flat hair

Luke - I look over at my best friend, Luke, grinning.
"Luke?" He was currently reading 'A Tale of Two Cities'.
"Yeah?" He responds, not looking up from the book.
"Do you think Mikey would date me?" I ask casually. Luke chokes on his spit, looking up at me.
"Erm, I don't know." He replies, trying not to sound shocked. "Why do you like him?" He asks.
"I like bad boys." I reply simple. "I'm going to bed now, night Lukey!" I giggle, kissing his cheeky and giggling harder when it turns crimson.
Luke waits for her footsteps to die down before bouncing up and bounding towards the Slytherin common room. He quickly mumbles the password that he had finally got Calum to tell him after bribing him with pizza. He walks up the stairs and into Mikey's dorm.
"I need your help." His words are hurried. Mikey looks up at him from his phone.
"What do you want?" He asks.
"(Y/n) likes you -" Luke gets cut off.
"(y/n) likes ME?!"
"Yes! Keep up! Well, she said it was because she liked bad boys. I need your help to, you know, make me bad." This makes Mikey grin widely.
"Finally ready to join the dark side."Luke nods his head cautiously.
Your POV
The next morning I awake to find a on my bed post. 'Meet you at breakfast, can't walk down today. Sorry - Luke'. That douche came in my room last night! Whilst I was asleep! And ditched me! Sighing, I get ready. Luckily, it was Saturday today meaning no robes!
I grab some blue skinny jeans and a tank top with my black converse and quickly get dressed. I curl my hair and do my make-up before walking down stairs. I hear whispers and giggles surround me, confusing me.
"What's up?" I ask a small group of 4th year girls. The just giggle in my face except one girl who says.
"Sorry, he told us we couldn't tell you! It's a secret!" I sigh, frustrated before walking down to the great hall, ready for some food! My eyes fix on my best friend Emily, and I walk over.

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