How you meet

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(Y/n) = Your name

(y/b/n) = Your Brother's name

(h/c) = Hair Colour

(y/nn) = Your Nickname

Ashton - "Damn it!" I curse under my breath. I had just knocked over a display in my local library... I peer down at my new jeans which now had a rip in the knee, making me cuss again. I grab a table and pull myself up, just about to start trying to put the display back, when the librarian walks over, puzzled by the commotion. The look on her face when she sees her display that she probably spent hours making perfect all ruined and me standing guiltily right in the middle of the crime scene.
"You know what, (y/n). I'll handle it. This is the third time you've done this. I'm sorry to say but your restricted from coming in here for the rest of your senior year." She says, her face red. I bite my lip and my head hangs down, as I walk out the library, very embarrassed. She might as well put up a sign on the door saying 'Be warned, if this girl comes in your store, she will probably knock and break something.' I mean, it's not my fault that I'm clumsy but I have now been banned from ... five stores.
"How do you kicked out of a library?" I here a voice say from behind me. I jump around quickly, not knowing that there was anyone there and having a mini heart attack.
"Damn, you scared me. Well, I knocked over her display." bite my lip again and the guy chuckles.
"That's it? Must be a strict librarian."
"For the third time..." I mumble under my breath and he giggles, obviously hearing that. I take a moment to look at him. He had adorable dimples and golden locks curling down his face, a blue bandanna shoved messily around his head. He was wearing a nirvana t-shirt with some ripped black skinny jeans.
"I like your jeans." He complements and smile.
"Thanks, I ripped them when I knocked over the display, although I might stick with the look, we can be twins!" I giggle, pointing to his jeans.
"Oh, I'm Ashton, by the way." He introduces himself, holding out a hand.
"(y/n)." I grab his hand and shake it firmly.

Calum- Dropping my bags at the door of the holiday house, I run over to my mum.
"Let's go to the beach!" I say excitedly. She chuckles before replying.
"(y/n), we need to get unpacked first! We have two months here, we don't need to rush anything!" I grumble before planning what I was gonna do.
"I'm gonna go surfing everyday! I love the beach and England is so boring and rainy!" The last couple of years we had gone the places like Cornwall and Northumberland learning how to surf. Not to brag, but I was better than the rest of my family, naturally good at the sport. Finally, I had convinced my parents to take us to Australia as I love it here. I love the weather, the beaches and the animals. Plus the accents...
"It has been five months since we last went surfing so I'm gonna go down and get in some extra practice so I don't completely fail tomorrow." I tell her, grabbing my board from my luggage. She laughs and nods in approval.
"You'll need the practice if you want to beat (y/b/n). He went a few weeks ago with your father, when you went on that day trip with school." I nod quickly before jogging out of the driveway. I could see the beach from our house and an easy root down. Damn it, I need to get changed... I run back to the house yelling.
"I NEED TO GET CHANGED!" To my parents who laugh at me. I change into a bikini and put a sleeping with sirens band tee on, with some short shorts. I quickly pack a small bag and kick on some converse before heading out again. I jog down the route which I had planned out earlier. I reach the beach which was fairly full, seeming as it was midday. I put out the small towel I had packed and placed my bag down before changing out of my t-shirt and shorts and converse. I run out to the water and start surfing. At first, I wasn't as good as normal but I soon regained my flow, catching waves quickly and skilfully riding them. I spent about an hour just practising before coming out of the water. I sit down on my towel and grab some sunglasses.
Calum's POV
"Dude, just go talk to her!" Mikey says to me, annoyed by my lack of confidence.
"I don't know man, I might just not go over there. Although she is sick at surfing." I sigh, looking over at the girl lying on the towel.
"You know what, I'm just gonna go over there." I say, getting up.
"Yeah, you go! It's not like I've told you to for the past ten minutes!" Mikey says sarcastically and I kick some sand at him before walking over.
Your POV
"Hi. I'm Calum, I just wanted to say that I was watching you surf, not in a stalker way, and I think your really good at it. Surfing, that is. Not being a stalker. NOT that you are a stalker!" The boy in front of me laughs nervously. I give him a smile and a small laugh.
"Thanks, I'm (y/n)." I sit up and take off my sunglasses.
"Can I sit?" He asks.
"Hmm, let me think about that... I mean, I've only just met you." I tease lightly. His cheeks turn red.
"I'm just joking! Come, sit down."

Mikey- It was my first day of pre-school. I was super nervous. What if they all hated me? I was gonna know these people for lots of years! What if they thought I wasn't cool, or hated my hair! I mean, five years old children could be cruel when they wanted to be. Maybe I should change? I was wearing some black skinny jeans and a black skull t-shirt. They were all gonna think I am a freak.
"(y/n)! We're going now!" My dad calls and I jump down the stairs. Slightly excited, even with my anxiety about what would happen.
We reach the school and I see lots of girls and boys walking into the playground ahead of me. Many of the younger girls were wearing neat little dresses and cute little bows in their hair. I self-consciously inspect my outfit knowing I was gonna stand out like a banana among apples. My hair was quickly brushed this morning and probably still looked like bed hair. Whilst other girls had beautiful curls cascading down their backs, mine was a (h/c) mess. Some of them even had a little make-up around there eyes! Who wears make-up in pre-school? I mean, at least my eyes sparkled like the other children's. Although, they pulled off the sparkling eyes, looking cute and all whilst I looked mad with the mischievous glint in my eyes. Suddenly, I spot a boy walking into the classroom I was meant to go in, wearing some black skinny jeans like mine, and a black top. Overjoyed that I wasn't the only one, I rapidly hug my dad before running after the mysterious boy.
"Hello! I'm (y/n)!" I grin at him as I catch up. He turns around, the same playful glint in his eye. Suddenly, a wide smile appears on his blank face.
"I'm Michael. Nice to meet you, (y/n)! I can tell we are gonna be good friends." I link my arm with my new friend, walking into the classroom. Little did I know, but this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that eventually bloomed into something else.

Luke- I stand backstage of one directions concert. I was Louis' best friend and lucky enough to go on tour on him. I was top of my class in school and it would only be a few weeks missing school, as most of the tour was in the summer holidays. This was their first concert and the other band, five seconds of summer were meeting us after the concert. Cheering for him in the back, I grin at him as he looks over in my direction. He smirks and I can tell he is about to do something...
"Now, before we play our next song, I would like to introduce you all to my best friend, (y/n)!" He says, gesturing for me to come on stage. My eyes widen and I slowly walk onto the stage, self-concious. "Damn you, Louis." I whisper under my breath. My eyes lock with a tall blonde boy with oceanic blue eyes. They capture my attention whilst Louis rattles on about how I was gonna be on tour with them.
"(y/n).. You can go off stage now." Louis whispers into my ear and I feel my cheeks redden, embarrassed about being caught staring at the stranger. Lu winks at me as I walk off and they start to sing their next song.
After the concert, I quickly go to the bathroom. Before walking in the room that Lu and the boys were chilling, I stop, hearing new voices. This must be 5sos. I had heard some of their music and I could tell they were gonna be big. As I walk in, I link eyes with the blonde I was staring out during the concert. My eyes widen.
"Ah guys, this is (y/n). (y/nn), this is Michael, Calum, Ashton and Luke." He points to the boys.
"Er.. H-hi!" I say, quickly recomposing myself.
"I think you and Luke might have already.. well I couldn't say met.. but seen each other." He smirks at me, mentioning the incidence from earlier. In feel my cheeks redden and I look down at my shoes.
"They definitely 'met' earlier." Harry agrees. I glare at him.
"You guys are so mean to me." I whine before sitting down on the couch, between Lu and Liam.
"You love us." Lu says and I sigh.
"Your lucky I do." I poke his ribs before snuggling into him.
I look over at Luke and smile at him, his cheeks still red.

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