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MOON CARRIES ME upstairs to the daycare swiftly. The power still wasn't on, but he told me it shouldn't be much longer without it.

"Your arm," he mumbled out, looking it over. He had sat me down on the floor of the play room. Soft yellow stars illuminated the ceiling, shining down onto us.

My eyes stared into his. It felt weird . . sitting here with him. I feel like I'm living in a dream.

Maybe I am dreaming. I must have fell asleep at my post. Yeah— totally. That's it.

"Oh, it's not that bad." I lie.

It actually hurts like a bitch right now.
The adrenaline wore off, making this wound hurt allot worse than it did when I first got it.

Moon's grip tightened slightly on my wrist. I tried not to tear my arm back from pain. His head hung low. "I'm sorry for scaring you, I didn't realize who you were."

I feel a soft sense of relief as he releases me. Moon sat in front of me, bandages beside us.

"It's okay." My voice cracks unintentionally. I cringe at it.

"Why are you here?" He asks. A soft longing in his voice made me realize he was desperate for answers. Sun couldn't tell him— Moon didn't know the things that Sun knew. It was like they were two different animatronics, yet, the same.

However, they both felt the same way about me, even after all of these years.

"I work here now . . I hadn't seen you. I've been with Sun most of the time. I had to wait out the rain, but I guess Chica caught me before I could catch her." A soft sigh escapes me. It felt like a relief to see Moon after all this time that had passed. Even if he was different now.

He must be thinking so many different things about me. How different I am, how much older I look. Maybe he wondered what I had been going through.

"Sun keeps me away as much as possible. Parts of me feel different." He manages to get out. I watch carefully as he takes an antiseptic and pours it onto a cloth.

I know what's coming next. I brace myself for it.

"Hold still. This is probably going to hurt." He speaks, taking my arm in his hand again. I nod, soon feeling the sting set into me.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still hurts.
Moon takes the bandages and wraps it around my wrist a few times. I retrieve my arm from him and hold onto it softly.

"Are you okay, starlight?" His gravely voice enters my head. I nod slowly and look away from him. "Yeah, I'm okay."

His arms take me into his side, and I lean against him, obliging. His scent was making me twice as tired than earlier.

"You should get some rest." He whispered into my ear.
I hum out a soft note in reply. "But I have to drive home."

"The rain is still pouring down. I don't think that's a good idea." Moon tells me. I feel his hands make their way into my hair, petting it softly. "Just stay here. I'll keep you safe."

I frown softly, staring ahead at the wall. My eyes want to fall, but I force them to stay open. "I can't stay for long . . I have to leave before midnight. Otherwise, I'm stuck in here until six in the morning."

"That's okay with me." He chuckles.

"But, then I'll get in trouble." I turn to look at him.

He rolls his eyes, letting out a heavy puff of annoyance. His hands remove themselves from my hair, and he stares me down. "You won't get in trouble for an accident."

I shrug. "I really just want to go home, moon. I've had enough shit for one night." my head drops with exhaustion.

"Okay, starlight." he nods, "I'll help you. I can start with that overgrown chicken." Moon growls. "She hurt you, Y/N. And that's not allowed." His voice grew darker and darker beside me.

I shrink. My mind reminds me that moon wouldn't hurt me. But he's still a bit freaky to be around. Maybe I've just got to get more used to him.

"I'm okay. Really." I try and convince him. His glare tells me otherwise.

"Just 'okay' isn't good enough." He tells me.

"Moon, seriously. I'll be fine. It really isn't that bad. She's been breaking out of her cage recently anyway. I'm not the first person she's done this to. Even you've . . changed." I bit my tongue.

What if he gets mad? I've been pretty lucky up to this point, honestly. I could have been dead by now if he wasn't this nice to me.

"I wouldn't change on you." He tells me. "I'd never hurt my precious starlight."

My eyes look elsewhere. I nod. "I know."

We wait out a bit of the night. It had finally became midnight, and the power had finally returned. I was now stuck here until six A.M.
Sun had been sitting beside me now, cradling me in his arms.

He had so many questions. What happened to my arm, why I was so freaked out, and whatever else popped into his mind to ask me.

I explained what had happened during his shift, and he tried his best to stay calm. I knew he was freaking out. And he did, for a few minuets. Grabbing his head, anxiously asking if he had accidentally hurt me at all. Sunny was really concerned.

I reassured him. Told him everything was fine, and not to worry. Chica was still heading around the building looking for me, though. I hear her calling out my name and offering me some help.

Jason wasn't kidding when he said that thing was freaky. I wonder what happened to her that made her tweak out like that.

I shivered.

"Are you doing okay, gumdrop?" Sun kept his arms around my neck, smiling down at me in his lap.

I nodded awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Chica is really freaking me out though." My eyes lock on the door of the daycare. I know I'll be safe in here, but there's still that possibility of her getting in.

"Don't worry about her! As long as you're in here, you're fine!" He beamed down at me. "Nothing is going to hurt my precious sunflower." His grip tightened slightly around me.

"Thanks Sun."

"𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑" ━ sun + moon x reader  Where stories live. Discover now