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I SIGH, WALKING down to Freddy's bedroom. As I go to knock on his door, I hear talking between him and someone else. My brows furrow, and I walk inside, holding the heavy box of parts.

There was a little boy in there with him.

My eyes widen. "Hey! What are you doing in here?" I turn and look to Freddy anxiously. "Freddy, are you okay?"

He must have been the one Vanessa was talking about. I wonder what his deal was. He looked pretty young, so maybe he got lost or something.

"Please don't hurt me!" The boy cowards behind the large animatronic.

"Oh, Y/N, I'm glad that you're here. I hope that you are doing better. This is Gregory. He's explained to me, that officer Vanessa has been looking for him." Freddy explains to me the information I was already aware of.

"Yeah, no shit." I roll my eyes, setting the box down to the floor.

"Y/N! Your language, there is a kid present." Glamrock scolds me. He was just as bad as Sun.

I sigh, shaking my head at the reminder.
"Look, kid, you really shouldn't be here at night, it's dangerous . . do you have a place to go home to?" I bend down at my knees and tilt my head curiously.
Gregory frowns up at me. "I'm sorry. I-I just can't let her see me! She's trying to get me." His gaze turns out to the window behind us. The curtains had been pulled closed for the most part.

I furrow a brow. "Well yeah, she wants to bring you home." I offer him a smile.
The brunette boy frowns, shaking his head. "No she doesn't . . I don't trust her. There's something not right."

I let out a soft sigh. "Well, do you want me to help you out? The doors are going to shut in a couple of minuets, and I'm almost done with my shift. If we hurry, you can make it out."

He falters. "No. I can't go back out there, either."

He definitely wasn't making things easy for me. If he was here to try and sneak food and games, it didn't seem like it. Gregory looked pretty frazzled.

"I tried to message you on your Fazwatch. I knew if anybody could help, it would be you," Freddy mentions to me. "But it seems you had missed the memo."

I sigh short, rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah, I was a little busy saying goodbye to Sun."

Freddy furrows a brow to me. "Goodbye? What do you mean?" His body turns to face me.
I glance down to the floor. "Freddy . . I quit today. My last day is next weekend." I try my best to avoid eye contact with him, but he managed to make me look at him again. "I got attacked by Moon."

"Oh . ." He mumbles to the floor now. "That's . . unfortunate to hear. I am sorry, things haven't been working out for you, here. I know you were one of the best to us." Glamrock places a hand to my shoulder to sympathize with my feelings. I appreciate it.

"Thanks, bud. I didn't want to, but I'll explain it all later."

"Can we get back to me, now?" Gregory groans softly. I look down to him and frown.

"Well, I'm not sure what I can do for you. You don't want our help, you don't want to leave, and you can't stay here all night. Are you in some sort of trouble? I can try to figure something out for you." I offer the boy a smile as I bend down to his level.
He looks hesitant for a minuet, but keeps his gaze flicked up at me. "I just . ." A soft sigh escapes him. "need someone that I can trust."

Freddy looks to me and gives a little nod.

I have a feeling I'm going to regret this later.

"Okay, Gregory. I'm here for you." I smile. "What can I do to help you?"

"𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑" ━ sun + moon x reader  Where stories live. Discover now