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GREGORY AND I make it under the pizzaplex in once piece. He was panting lightly under all the panic in the air. I couldn't blame him.
Freddy had led us as far as we could go, until his power had finally ran out, so he held back in a recharge station. He kept in contact with us on our Fazwatches in the meantime.

It was so dark. I had my flashlight, but I wasn't so sure it was a good idea to use it just yet. Chica had made her way downstairs, I could hear her munching on something.

But I just didn't know where she was yet.

"Where are we? Do you even know where we're going?" Gregory asks me. I frown slightly, but try and stay calm. After all, I had to not only look out and protect myself, but now I had to make sure this little shit head stays alive, too.

"It's not going to be easy, but I know how to get us out from here. There's a hallway that leads to a security office. From there, we can get out through some of the other halls that will eventually lead us back to the main entrances." I explain to him.

He frowns, shaking his head with confusion. "Ugh— okay. Well, let's just try not to get killed. I don't know why Freddy still thinks the animatronics aren't trying to hurt us," he sighs.

I shrug, keeping my footsteps quiet. "I don't know, either. But he's not trying to hurt us. So, maybe we should just focus on that for right now." I tell him.

He hums in thought quietly as we make it to the stop in the hall. There was a desk with paint cans stacked up on it. I furrow my brow.

What the hell?

"Guess we'll just have to go around, come on." I motion with my shoulder, pushing open the bathroom door. Gregory and I stop wide eyed, seeing Chica munching at the knocked over garbage on the floor. I hold my hand up over Gregory's chest to prevent him from taking any further steps forward.

We quietly back out of the room and shut the door.

"It's Chica! Now what do we do?!" Gregory whispers in a panic up at me.

I think.
My eyes search around until they meet the desk.

"Can't we just climb over it?" Gregory asks me. I shake my head. "If we knock over something while trying to climb through that, she's going to get us." I explain.
"I think we need to knock those down, and crawl our way through the bathroom behind her. The cans will distract her, so she won't even know we're there," I tell him.

"What?!" He frowns. "Are you crazy?" Greg whispers yells up at me. "That's going to get us killed, for sure!"

"It's our only chance, Greg!" I frown back at him. As I let out a tense sigh, I place a hand on the kid's shoulder. "I'm not going to let you get hurt. I promise."

He frowns at my hand, then nods with hesitance. "A-Alright. But this better work."

"Okay, when I hit the cans, you go. I'll be right behind you. I promise." I tell him sternly. He nods, and pushes the door open a crack. I hit the cans and they fall one by one. Chica peeks her head up, and runs out into the hallway.

Gregory and I sneak in through the bathroom, and head out the door she came out of. We look at her with caution as she inspects the cans.

Chica makes little sounds of confusion as she tilts her head and picks up a can.
She would be distracted for a while.

I urged Gregory to keep moving forward as we make it down the hallway, pass her body.

As we make it into the next room, we let out a tense exhale. "Holy shit, that was scary." I whisper.

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