Chapter 5

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Two days had passed and Lexa still couldn't find the opportunity to make Clarke talk to her. Their training had been all business. Clarke was improving gradually. Lexa was satisfied with Clarke's progress for a Sky person. These last two days, they had started training early in the morning and returned to their respective camps at evening time. Both had started training at the same time today as well.

"How is your arm?" Lexa asked after she had twisted it for the fourth time, though not making her fall on the ground this time.

"Hurts like a bitch. All thanks to you."

"Clarke, I am trying to help you. You are improving. Just focus on my movements and be ready for counterattack."

Clarke eye-rolled. "Why do I have to train with you again? I am sure if it was some warrior of yours, I would've pinned him down at least once by now."

"You are gaining confidence, good. But don't think my warriors are weak. They have all been training since the age of 8."

"Yeah, well. I am sure I have more chance at beating them than their Commander. But seriously, you are the Commander, you surely have other duties to attend to, why waste time with me?"

Lexa opened her mouth to answer but Clarke cut her off.

"And give me a rational answer. Nothing sentimental."

"I did not intend to give any sentimental answer to you, Clarke. I will answer you after the training. Now get up."

Clarke got up, her eyes furious. She threw her fist full force at Lexa. It happened so fast that the Commander barely blocked it. Then she attacked the Commander with her other fist, which was blocked too. Clarke had lost her temper and was very frustrated now. She kept on attacking, punch after punch, but Lexa remained patient and simply kept on blocking them. When the punches didn't work, Clarke tired to kick Lexa but Lexa dodged these attacks as well. Clarke went back to punching her.

"Clarke, try to surprise attack me otherwise I am just going to block...ahh."

Clarke had thrust a kick at Lexa's stomach while continuing with the jabs. This did take the Commander by surprise and she instinctively moved back. Clarke took advantage of the momentarily distraction of the Commander and placed her leg behind Lexa's as she was backing, then jerked it making Lexa fall on the ground. But not alone. Clarke wasn't fast enough to retract her leg and fell on Lexa. Her head ended up being pillowed on Lexa's chest and her limbs entangled with Lexa's.

Groaning, she looked up to find Lexa's deep green eyes staring at her, with a surprised look. Clarke could feel Lexa's heart pumping blood rapidly under her palm, just as she realized where her hand was. Face flushed, she tried to get up and away from Lexa but forgot about her leg being under Lexa's prop. She was about to fall on Lexa again when she found herself held midair, feeling fingers on her waist supporting her weight and involuntarily, she shivered. She looked down at the Commander, who was looking at Clarke's shoulder, not meeting her eyes.

This proximity of Clarke was affecting Lexa more than she could show. Her heart couldn't control itself in her presence. In this moment, it was particularly beating fast. She knew Clarke sensed it too when Lexa felt her palm pressed against the left side of her chest, directly above her heart. She didn't dare look Clarke in the eyes, as she feared Clarke would be able to read her emotions or worse, Lexa would act on her emotions. Clarke quickly untangled herself and sat up. Lexa slowly got up too, brushing her pants. Neither of them spoke during the process until Clarke recalled how they had ended up in that position.

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