Chapter 8

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Lexa's POV:

The instant the bullet struck her chest, she knew her life was over. Her armor hadn't been designed to withstand the mountain men's weapons. While her warrior mind catalogued the massive damage done by that one small projectile, she wistfully wished that she had the chance to tell Clarke that she had become weak for her. She had fallen in love with her.

She tried to gasp. It was instinctive that she did, but that one gasp took so much more out of her than she would've thought. She dropped to her knees, her skin now marred by stones and smothered in dirt. But just as she was about to collapse on the ground, she felt strong arms hold her. She felt herself being lifted and the ground moving underneath her. She tried to look at the boy, tell him to give her message to the Sky Princess but no words could come out of her mouth due to the agonizing pain in her chest and neither would her eyes open.

She could have laughed at the situation had her lungs not been shutting down. She was a warrior, she was the Commander and had been ready to die for her people anytime, but here she was dying for another's people. The other who had chosen someone else over her. But she felt content that she had sacrificed her life for Clarke's happiness. She owed it to her...owed it after what Clarke had to suffer because of her. Though she felt a little disheartened knowing that her soul was going to leave her body because of a wound caused by a small bullet. She had always imagined herself dying fighting. But she had no fight left in her after that little metal arrowhead had embedded itself in her body.

It felt like she was on fire inside, a fire that gradually spread all through her chest and shadowed along her bones. But she was freezing on the outside. She wasshivering. Her chest was still heaving - up, down, up, down - begging for a strong heartbeat. Begging her heart to keep pumping her blood. And her lungs pleaded for oxygen, but each breath she took was so antagonizing, so consuming, that she felt like she was stealing breaths. The consequence of stealing each breath was unbearable pain and panic. Panic that this would be the last.

The Commander had never been afraid of death in the past, many times she had come very close to it and had been ready to embrace it like an old friend. Not this time; this time she had someone she wanted to return to, but the contraction and relaxation of her chest was agonizing. She knew she would have to give up sooner or later.

Suddenly, she felt the ground underneath her stop moving and her brain told her that the man who was carrying her, Bellamy was his name, had halted. She heard him harshly speak something to someone and she again felt the ground moving below her. She could feel that she was drowned in her own blood and also could smell it everywhere. Then she felt a cool metal surface against her back. What is happening? She tried to voice but failed. She faintly heard someone curse her armor and, after a little while, realized that the voice belonged to Octavia of the Sky people. She was fading. She stopped trying to part her eyes open and was ready to give up when she heard a voice that made her heart beat once again. A strong beat.

"Mom, please don't let her die." The hoarse, panicked and pleading voice of Clarke made way to her ears.

And then blackness surrounded her. The blackness was haunting her. She couldn't breathe. She needed to get out of here. She tried to look for an escape, for light, but there was none. She couldn't feel anything. She couldn't see anything. The blackness was blinding her. She wanted to scream and shout but was capable of none until she suddenly felt such a sharp pain that she somehow found the energy to voice it. Her screams echoed back to her and she was brought back to light. She used the little energy she was capable of to pry her eyes open and was met with a beautiful, blue ocean. So warming, so loving, so...scared? No, that can't be right. She was scared. It was hidden, imprisoned inside her midnight blue eyes, but she could see it, and it broke her heart and mended it all the same.

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