Chapter 16

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AN:This is the second last instalment of 'Lost', so I advise you to read it carefully; a lot happens. And another advise, keep sharp objects away from yourself while reading it. AND THIS IS A REALLY LONG CHAPTER SO TRY TO READ IT WHEN YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TIME ON YOUR HANDS: 

To Clarke's surprise, Lexa led her directly to her bedchamber and not the meeting room. They had been informed earlier about the arrival of all the leaders in the meeting room. Lexa entered her bedroom and kept the door open for Clarke to follow her in. Which she did. She then waited for Lexa to say something but Lexa disappeared in her bath chamber without a word and, sighing, Clarke took a seat on the soft bed. After a few minutes, Lexa re-entered the room and all hair on Clarke's body stood up just by looking at her. Gone was the soft, tender look of the Commander, gone was Lexa. In front of Clarke stood 'the Commander'- black kohl covered her eyes, concealing the green there, concealing the warmth and compassion. But Clarke looked in deep, searching for traces of the woman she came to know in the privacy of their encounters and confidences, and finally found them there. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's time to go, Clarke of the Sky People."

"I can see, Commander." Clarke muttered as she followed Lexa, who was walking briskly.

They walked in silence and Clarke couldn't help but feel really nervous. She knew the grounder leaders wouldn't be impressed by her looks. Who was she kidding? She could never have the ruthless, merciless look even if she wanted to. But she also knew they knew she was the one who took the Mountain down. In addition, she was also aware that she would be judged on the merit whether or not she could overthrow Lexa. On one hand, Clarke didn't want to be pursued in that direction but on the other hand, she couldn't let herself appear weak in front of other clan leaders. Just thinking of all this made her head spin and made the butterflies in her stomach come to life. She took deep breaths in order to calm herself down, ignoring the fact that the Commander could hear her. She had much more hostile people to please. Just before they reached the chestnut colored door of the meeting room, Lexa stopped and turned to face Clarke. She willed her mask to slip off her face and, squeezing Clarke's arm reassuringly, said,

"You have nothing to worry about, Clarke. You are under my protection."

Clarke barely managed to nod before the doors were opened for them and Lexa walked in, taking lead, looking as regal and fearful as ever.


The meeting was going better than Clarke had hoped. Lexa had briefed all the leaders about their current situation and they all had surprisingly listened to it very patiently. Once she had finished, Clarke was bombarded with questions on how she planned to used 'her technology' to destroy the bomb.

"My people have built a machine - an EMP generator - which will disable all the electronic equipments in the area."

"Are you sure this will work?" One of the leaders, whose name Clarke failed to recall, asked.

Clarke definitely wasn't sure but she didn't need the look from Lexa telling her to lie. She knew she had to lie not to cause an argument. So she did. She made everyone believe that she had the solution to the problem. Just then, Jared, who had been silent the entire time, spoke up,

"How can we trust that you will not use the weapon against us?"

Lexa glared dangerously at him but he didn't take his eyes off Clarke. Clarke remembered he was the one who had argued last time as well, when they had agreed for a peace treaty with the Sky People.

"You can't. But you don't have a choice."

Silence followed Clarke's words and then, all of a sudden, the room was filled with loud voices. Some shouted "kill the Sky girl" while others agreed they had no choice.

Lost - Clexa (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now