Crash Mats

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A/N ~~ A little emotional for 7am but here's an early morning update for you all! Enjoy :)

~~Early Saturday Morning, Lizzie's Apartment, London~~

Lizzie POV

After falling asleep so easily in Harley's arms last night, I had no idea how long I had been asleep for when I woke up to what sounded like muffled voices. I blinked away my tiredness before turning over to reach out for Harley but I quickly found that I was alone in the bed. I lifted my body up slightly onto my elbow to check the bathroom door but it was still as I left it last night. Did she use the guest one? My thoughts were beginning to run away before I heard the voice again. Only this time I was a lot more awake and recognised it instantly. It's Harley. But where is she? I sat up and rubbed my eyes to let them adjust to the dark room before I leant over to switch on my bedside lamp. The bright bulb waking me up fully as I squinted for a few seconds waiting for my eye sight to come back. I pulled back the blanket off my legs and swung my them over the side of the bed, giving my body time to adjust to being upright before gently getting up to my feet and heading towards my bedroom door, but before I made it out the room I heard her voice again, only this time it was a lot louder and deffiently still in the room. I turned back straight away and decided to check the bathroom properly. I walked past the bottom of my bed and had my eyes fixed on the bathroom door when I suddenly stumbled over a pair of feet on my bedroom floor. What the-?

I whipped my head to the side and my eyes widened at the sight of Harley lying on my bedroom floor still asleep. So many questions rushing through my head as I carefully walked up the side of my bed to reach her head. I had no idea what would happen but I know I can't leave her on the floor. She'll be freezing. And very uncomfortable. I lowered myself between her side and my bed, kneeling beside where she was lying pretty much on her side facing away from the bed. She was in such an awkward position with her neck and arms. I kept a little distance between us before gently resting my hand on her upper arm as I started to shake her awake as carefully as I could. I didn't want to startle her so as I began to shake her body, I thought my voice might help her know it's me waking her up. "Harley.. It's just me." I spoke quietly as I started to shake her a little stronger. I looked down and couldn't help but notice how quick her chest was rising and falling. "Harley it's Lizzie. Wake up for me please.." I tried again and her body shifted all of a sudden. I moved my hand from her arm and started gently stroking against the side of her face, hoping I can wake her up gently. "Come on Harley, wake up for me." I spoke a little louder but keeping my voice as soft as possible. I noticed her eyelids shifting more and more until she suddenly took in a huge breathe.

I jumped back against my bed as Harley's body jolted upright so she was sitting up, her eyes springing open as her breathing stopped completely. I could see the panic behind her eyes so I quickly moved forward and placed my hand against her cheek and moved her focus onto me. She followed my hand and her eyes found mine. "Harley, breathe. It's just you and me." I assured her in a calm, stern voice and she let out a huge breathe before her breathing became slightly erratic. Her eyes flickered from my own then around the room as the rest of her body stayed so still. "Harley.. Look at me." I encouraged her as both my hands were resting against the sides of her face, my thumbs stroking against her cheeks. Her eyes fell to mine and I gave her a soft smile but her breathing was really fast still. "Harley, you need to take some deep breathes for me. Focus on me and slow your breathing down." I tried to explain as clear as possible and she nodded slowly in return as she began trying to take some staggered deep breathes. I took them with her, hoping she would find it easier to follow my lead.

"That's it. In and out. It's just me and you. Your in my apartment okay?" I explained now she started to calm down a little more. She nodded as she looked around the room. "This is my room. Your still in London. Your with me." I kept trying to assure her and it seemed to be working as her breathing began to even out so I just kept going. "It's just you and me. We went out to dinner with my Sisters MK and Ashley, then came back here together. We had some tea then came to bed." I rambled hoping it would either distract her from panicking or calm her down so she can talk to me. Her eyes kept flickering around the room then landing back on my eyes. Her breathing now slowing down, I used my right hand to rest it against her chest to make sure her heart isn't going crazy. As my hand met her chest over her t-shirt, her hand lifted to rest above mine. Her hand was freezing. "Your hand is so cold Harley.." I said in slight freight and she just looked down at the two hands on her chest. She quickly moved her hand away from mine and looked up at me. "So.. Sorry.." She stuttered out in a hushed voice making my heart break. I quickly shook my head in reply. "It's okay. You don't have to move away from me." I assured her and a small smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. Her hand slowly went back to rest above mine again on her chest making my smile become a little wider.

"Your heart is racing.. What can I do?" I ask as I can feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her hand grips around mine a little tighter as her eyes look up at me. "I just.. Need too.. Wait." She struggles out and I nod in reply. "Come sit against the bed with me so your a little more comfortable..?" I offer and she nods as I help her shuffle around a foot or two so her back is resting up against my bed. Once she is a little more comfortable, I move her head to the side slightly to get her attention. "Do you want some water?" I ask softly and she nods gently with a really small smile. She's breaking my heart. "I'll be quick. Do you need anything else?" She shakes her head no as I get up to my feet. She brought her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her shins as her head dropped to rest on her knees once I moved away from her side. I don't want to leave her like this for too long. I quickly made my way out the room and straight to the kitchen. I got two bottles of water from the fridge before making my way back into my bedroom. I walked in carefully not to startle her and walked around back to where I left her. She didn't move an inch, her head still resting forward on her knees, her knuckles bright white from the grip around her legs. Her breathing was a lot better now thankfully. I need to make her feel better.. I hate seeing her suffering.

"Hey Harley, it's just me." I let her know I was back in the room with her as I placed the water bottles down on the floor and slowly sat beside her on the floor. I sat with my body facing her side so I could keep an eye on her, luckily the bedroom floor has a carpet so it's not completely freezing cold. "I got you some water." I told her softly and she slowly lifted her head away from her knees to look at me. Her eyes bloodshot and tear stained. Oh Harley.. "Do you think you could drink some water for me?" I asked and she nodded gently. I opened one of the bottles of water and handed it to her. She reached out and gently took the bottle before taking some small sips. I just sat and watched as she drank some of the water slowly before handing it back towards me. I quickly took it from her and put the top back in. "Thank you." Her voice sounding a little better after some water. "No need to thank me Harley.. How are you feeling?" I asked as I moved slightly closer to her side as her hands returned around her legs. "Tired.." She replied and I could see it in her face. I moved closer again and lifted my hand up above her legs. I looked to her and noticed her eyes on me still. "Can I?" I ask gesturing to my hand and she nodded with a small smile. I wrapped my arm around her legs above where her arms are, my hand resting on top of her knee as I dropped my chin onto her other knee closer to where I was sat, my eyes still firmly on her.

"How about we get you back into bed when your ready so you can get some more sleep?" I offered and she nodded in reply. "Take your time.. I'm not going anywhere." I assured her and her eyes lifted to meet my gaze. "I'm sorry if I woke you.." All I could see was guilt behind her deep, dark pupils.. "You have nothing to be sorry for Harley. I promise you." I tell her honestly and a single tears rolls down her cheek. I lift my free hand and wipe it away with my thumb gently and she leans into my hand making my heart melt entirely. I leave my hand up against the side of her face as she closes her eyes softly. I gently begin stroking her cheek with my thumb, hopefully soothing her panic and anything else she is feeling right now. As much as I know she doesn't want anyone to see her vulnerable side, I can't help but admire her more for being like this around me without running away or trying to hide it. She has been through so much personally and in her career, and she is so strong to still be able to do her job so well and be a huge support for her family and friends. She deserves someone to look after her the way she looks after others. I know her Dad and Sister take care of her so much, but I also know how much she will hide from them. I want her to be completely open with me. No matter what it is. I want to be her safe place now. For as long as she wants me to be.

"Can I have some more water please?" Harley asks quietly snapping me from my thoughts. "Of course you can." I twist off the lid and hand her the bottle and she takes some bigger sips this time, getting down to nearly half way making me smile. I take it back from her when she is done and put the lid back on for her. "You ready to get back into bed?" Her eyes look back into mine as she nods slowly. I get up first, stepping infront of her and reaching my hands down infront of her. "Come on you." I say softly making her smile a little. She takes one of my hands as she uses the other against the side of my bed to push herself up. I make sure she is stable on her feet and not feeling dizzy or anything, resting one hand against her stomach as she gets her bearings. "Can I use your bathroom?" She asks quietly making me giggle a little. "You don't have to ask Harley, of course you can." I assure her with a comforting smile. "Thank you.." She returns before making her way over to the bathroom door. I turn with her to make sure she is okay before letting her go. I wait for the door to close behind her before turning back to pick the water bottle from the floor and placing them on the bedside table. I sat on the side of my bed and checked my phone, seeing it was just after 4:00am. No wonder it was still dark outside when I went to the kitchen..

It wasn't long until the bathroom door opened again and Harley appeared looking a little better than before. Her face still had droplets of water dotted around as she turned to turn off the bathroom light. I moved over back to my side of the bed to let her join me as she walked over. I pulled back the blanket for her to climb under and I could feel how cold she was still. I was sat upright as she just laid back on the pillows as soon as she got into bed, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. She looked really tired. I shifted myself down the bed slightly, turning onto my side to face where she was lying as I rested my head up on my hand so I could see her whole face. "How you feeling?" I asked her gently which seemed to snap her from her thoughts as she looked over at where I was. Her seemingly deeper eyes finding my gaze instantly. "A little better.. Sorry again for waking you." I quickly shook my head at her words. "Stop apologising Harley, I promise you, you have nothing to be sorry for." I explained as my free hand moved to rest against her chest under the blanket. Her heartbeat was nearly back to normal now which was good. My thumb started mindlessly rubbing just under her collar bone where her bare skin was since her t-shirt was baggy on her.

I could see her mind ticking over as her eyes were back on the ceiling above us. I didn't want her to worry about this in anyway. "Do you want to talk about it?" I offer carefully and her eyes flicker over to me. Her head slowly follows again as I feel her heart pick up speed a little in her chest. "You don't have too tell me anything if you don't want too. But I'm here if you want to talk about it.." I try and calm her down as her heartbeat is stronger than it was a few second ago. She's nervous. "Um.. It's hard to explain.." She begins and I just watch her mind work out what she is going to say. "I guess the easiest way to explain it is that I get so used to sleeping uncomfortably whilst on Tour, whether it be the barracks or where ever we end up being, my body almost craves to be somewhere uncomfortable rather than in a soft bed. It makes me feel safer sometimes. And other times it's when I have nightmares, it's familiar. If that makes any sense.." She tries her best to explain and I get what she is means as much as I can understand, since I have no experience in what she is talking about. But I do get why it happens and it does make some sense. "It does. I get it. And as much as I don't understand from experience, I do understand why it would happen." I reply and she nods softly as her eyes never leave mine, as if she is waiting for a different reaction.

"Does it happen most nights?" I ask wanting to understand as much as I can and be prepared for it. "It changes all the time. It happens more when I first come home, then it gets better and it happens less and less until I go back." She explains a bit more relaxed now we are talking about it. "Is there anything that can help stop it from happening?" I ask further and her eyebrows scrunch as she thinks about it. "Not that I know of." She answers with a little uncertainty since it's something she really can't control. "When did it first start happening?" I question wanting to help her talk about as much as she can. "After my first Tour. I remember not using my bed at all for the first 3 weeks I was home. I gave up trying to even fall asleep in my bed." She explains with a defeated tone. This must be so hard. "Oh Harley.. So that bruise on your face isn't the first one from falling out of bed during the night I bet?" I ask a little light-heartedly and she chuckles softly making my smile grow. "Yeah.. I've had a few bumps to the head, bruised arms and some hellish back pain." She explains with a smile making me giggle at her getting back to herself again. "So should I invest on some crash mats for you when you stay over?" I joke and she laughs even more. "I'd still find a way to hurt myself, trust me." She jokes back making me burst into laughter. I'm so glad to hear her laugh again.

"I know you said to stop apologising Lizzie but I really am sorry if you got a freight. It's not a normal thing to see or go through and I should have warned you about it but I didn't think.." She rambles nervously and I can't help but lean down and kiss her quickly to stop her. She kisses me back before I pull away and look down at her soft smile. "It may not be normal for anyone else but it's normal for you. And that's okay. More than okay. And now I know about it, I know not to panic when your not in bed during the night. And I can be there to help you back into bed. No matter how many times I have to do it. I will." I was rambling now but I wanted her to know this is in no way a deal breaker. Which I know will be worrying her. I notice her smile was brighter than earlier as her eyes stay fixed on me. I suddenly feel her arms snake around my waist as she pulls me closer to her. It's both impressive and scary how easily she can move my entire body but I just let it happen as I let out a small giggle. My eyes finding her intense Hazel ones which are a little brighter than they were before with the light from the lamp showing the speckles of blue and green flashing through them. "Your amazing Elizabeth Chase Olsen. Where have you been all my life?" Wow. Okay that just, yeah. Have I just fallen a little. Maybe. Fuck. Wow. "Um.. I.. I guess waiting for you to come and find me Captain Lane." I tease back after finding some kind of composure. Her hands grip my waist a little more as we both lean in and connect our lips without hesitation.

After what felt like hours lip-locked, I slowly pull away, pushing against Harley's chest as my body is now pretty much lying on top of hers. Her right hand is still softly stroking up and down my back under my top as her eyes find my gaze which has never left her. Her left arm now up against the pillows behind her as she props her head up slightly now that I have moved back a little. As her arm got comfortable up behind her head, I suddenly caught something on the inside of her bicep. My eyes trail over slowly to see what it is and I feel my eyes widen slightly as I seen a tattoo which I have never noticed until now. Without saying anything, I lift one hand up to move the rest of her sleeve down so I can see what the full tattoo is. Harley's head follows my gaze as she tries to see what I am looking at. I tilt my head to the side to follow where her arm is lying as I study the completely black tattoo. It's a plain black single stem Rose with some Roman Numerals written above it following the length of the Rose stem. I run my index finger over it, wondering what it could mean. I look over the numbers written and try to work it out from any sort of memory I have of Roman Numerals but I can't seem to figure it out.


"You wondering what it means?" Harley's hushed voice snapping me from my daze as I feel her eyes on me. I look down at her soft gaze as my lips pull into a involuntary smile seeing her still so close to me. "Yeah.. Could you tell me?" I ask and instantly I see her smile fade. "It's the date my Mam died." She explains and I instantly cringe at myself for not thinking that sooner. "I'm sorry Harley.. I should have.." She shakes her head stopping what I was trying to say. "It's okay. You weren't too know." She assures me and I nod in return before turning back to her tattoo. "It's beautiful. Did it hurt?" I ask and she chuckles lightly underneath me. "A little. Sensitive area to get a tattoo." She explains light-heartedly making me smile and look back to her. I remember seeing a tattoo on her ribs when she was showing me her scars but I never asked her about it.. I wonder if she has anymore? "How many other tattoos do you have?" I question and she chuckles again. "You trying to get me topless again Olsen?" She teases making me giggle nervously. "I mean.. I wouldn't say no.." I tell her honestly and slightly nervously as I feel my cheeks heat up under her gaze. "Do you want to see them?" She asks and I nod in reply. "Okay let me sit up a second.." She asks and I push myself off her and sit up next to her. She sits up and lifts her t-shirt up and over her head, leaving her in a sports bra like last time. She throws it to the bottom of my bed before lying back slightly higher on my bed and lowers the blanket from her body. My eyes struggling to stay in one place all of a sudden..

"Eyes over here Olsen.." She catches me out and I can instantly feel my cheeks burning as she lifts the bottom of her sports bra up slightly to make sure it's out the way of her tattoo. I move to get a better look as I lean over her stomach and see the tattoo properly this time. It was some sort of Gun with some dog tags seemingly hanging from the handle and "7 Section" written underneath. There was even a Red Cross on one of the tags and writing on the other. I looked over it and my thumb rubbed over the outline. "7 Section is your Squadron right?" I ask glancing up at Harley who is already nodding her head. "Yeah." She answers with a smile before I look back at the other tag to try and read the writing on it. "H. Lane 1993 O Positive. " Last name. Year she was born. Blood type.. I rub my fingers over the writing back and fourth as my mind begins to wander. "What's wrong Lizzie?" Harley's soft voice bringing me out of my daze. "Um.. Nothing.. It's just.." I stutter over my words and Harley sits up so she is facing me properly. "Your wondering why those things?" She asks and I just nod. Part of me not wanting to know. "A lot of Soldiers get those type of things tattooed on them in case something happens on the job." That's not what I wanted to hear. I can't imagine anything happening to her. Ever..

I feel myself holding back as I try not to worry but Harley seems to pick up on it as she reaches up to lift my head up to face her. "Stop thinking about it Lizzie. I'm not going anywhere. Nothing is going to happen to me." Her soothing voice helps the worrying slow down as I look into her comforting gaze. "I can't imagine losing you Harley." I tell her honestly making her smile softly before she kisses my forehead. "Your not going to loose me Lizzie." She tells me sternly and I nod in reply. "I have another tattoo for you to see if you want too?" She offers to try and distract me from my thoughts. I clear my throat and nod in reply. "This one is a little more embarressing so your not aloud to laugh okay?" She jokes and I'm already giggling. "It can't be that bad?" I offer and she chuckles nervously before I move back so she can show me where it is. She pushes the blanket further down her legs past her shorts. She grabs the bottom of her shorts on her right leg and takes a small deep breathe. "No laughing okay?" She checks and I nod with a small smile. She moves her shorts up her thigh, and once they are moved high enough I now see why she was saying what she did.

It takes me a few seconds to completely register what I'm looking at so I move down the bed to look at the tattoo the right way and I try not to giggle at what I'm seeing. "No laughing!" She warns playfully and I nod as I look over the really impressive tattoo on the front of her thigh. It's the Tom Holland's Spider-Man symbol in Black and Red, with some of the suit behind it, and written underneath is "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.." That's adorable. I actually love it. "I actually really like it." I tell her honestly and she smiles with slightly pink tinted cheeks. "Thanks.." She returns as she lets go of her shorts and lies back on the pillows behind her. I take one last look at the tattoo before moving back up the bed with her, returning to lying pretty much on top of her again and she just greets me with a huge smile. "Hey you.." She greets in a hushed tone of voice making my butterflies erupt again. "Hey Soldier." I return easily making her smile impossibly bigger. Then a yawn escapes past my lips making her laugh. "Someone's tired?" She asks and I nod gently. "Come on, let's get some sleep." She encourages me to lay down beside her more comfortably as she holds her arm out for me to cuddle into. I get myself comfortable on her shoulder and her hand starts stroking up and down my spine instantly lulling me to sleep again. My eyes instantly get heavy as she turns to look at me. "Good night again beautiful.." She compliments making me smile tiredly. "Goodnight my Soldier." I return and she kisses my head before lying back and before I know it, I'm falling asleep without even trying in her safe arms.

~~Later Saturday Morning, Lizzie's Apartment~~

Normal POV

I couldn't stop myself from slowly waking up, my body still tired and aching from my stint on the floor last night, but my eyes were opening no matter how much I protested. But luckily for me, I had managed to stay in bed the second time around. My body almost overheating under the blanket as I quickly noticed Lizzie had not moved an inch from falling asleep second time around. Her arm wrapped over my stomach as if she was keeping me in bed herself, our legs tangled together and her other hand was flat against my bare ribs since I didn't bother to put my t-shirt back on after I showed Lizzie my tattoos in the early hours of the morning. Now my eyes were open properly, I look over at the mess of curly dark blonde hair sleeping peacefully on my shoulder, her deep breathes blowing gently against my neck. She was just too perfect to be real sometimes. Even asleep she manages to make me smile like an idiot. Even though I had no feeling in my left arm anymore, I just allowed her to sleep since I decided to wake her up by another night on the floor. As much as I didn't want to think about it, my mind started to replay what Lizzie said to me last night and her words instantly made my stomach do somersaults. I've never had such a caring reaction to what happened last night, other than from my family. But she just understood and made sure I was okay. She's just.. Truly amazing.

I felt my body become a little irritated from being here so long but I just ignored it, not wanting to disturb Lizzie's sleep but not even a minute later, I felt her head begin to nuzzle into the crook of my neck as small, adorable groans escaped her throat. I chuckle lightly to myself as her arm tightens around my stomach as she pulled herself impossibly closer into my side. I turned my head slightly towards her and kissed her head as I felt her body slowly waking up. As soon as I felt her eyes flutter open I decided to say something. "Good morning my little cling on.." I teased making her just tighten her grip around me even more as I laughed at her mumbling against my shoulder. I started to try wiggling my fingers on my left hand since I still had no feeling in that arm and Lizzie quickly lifted her body off that arm and moved to lie on top of me instead. I wrapped my arms up around her body to keep her there as my right hand started rubbing up and down her back making her hum softly in reply. We stayed like this for a little while before she finally lifted her head up to look at me. She used one hand to move her hair back from her face, revealing those mesmerizing galaxy eyes which were still a little tired which made me smile at how cute she looked..

"Morning.." She mumbled making me chuckle. "Your so cute.." I comment making her smile before burying her embarressed face into my neck again. I hold her close in my arms and kiss her shoulder a few times until she lifts herself back up to look down at me. "Hey you." I say with a huge smile making hers just as big. "Have you been awake long?" She asks with a hint of worry. "Not long at all." I assure her and she nods before leaning down and pecking my lips and nose before sitting herself up on my hips, taking the blanket with her leaving me in just my sports bra. I catch her eyes look me up and down making me grin before her eyes look back to mine. "Get a good look Olsen?" I call her out and she just smiles smugly and giggles. "Yep.. I think I might ban t-shirts for you when your with me from now on.." She comments playfully making me chuckle at her michevious side slipping out as her hands scratch down my stomach softly making me tense up instantly. "How often are you going to the gym?" She questions in surprise as she looks down and sees how even more defined my stomach is since the last time I was topless infront of her. "Um.. Everyday pretty much. Plus, I bought that pull up bar and some weights not too long ago to use at home.." I tell her and I see her eyes fixed on my body as her fingers trail up and down my stomach and hips.

"It's uh.. Paying off.. Woah." She stutters out making me chuckle a little nervously. "I'm glad you approve." I tease a little making her smirk and nod in return. "Deffiently approve.. I mean, only I'm aloud to see them from now on so nobody steals you from me!" She says with a hint of warning making me even more nervous. "No one is stealing me from you Lizzie. No matter how hard they try. I promise.." I reassure her and she tilts her head slightly without realising and all I can see is Wanda Maximoff coming out.. Shit. "Okay you need to not tilt your head like that.. It's giving me major Wanda vibes!" I tell her and she laughs before lifting one hand slightly doing these small Wanda moves with her fingers. "Someone getting a little scared.." She taunts with a hint of the accent and my mind is gone. I cough nervously and she just giggles as my body shifts a little under hers. "Seriously I'm expecting your red wiggly woos to appear any second!" I joke and she breaks character to burst into laughter. Her hands fall to my stomach as she leans down and kisses me quickly before climbing off me and the bed. "Don't worry.. Your safe from Wanda, for now." She teases with a wink before walking off to the bathroom not even looking back once leaving me a mind-blown mess on her bed.

Once I got my body to function again, I got up and went to get my bag, heading off to the guest bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, sprayed some deodorant and aftershave then got myself dressed into some grey joggers and a t-shirt. My hair was surprisingly okay so I left it as it is before putting everything back in my bag and heading back to Lizzie's room. I knocked on the door making sure she was decent and she called me inside. I walked in and seen her standing in some leggings and one of my hoodies on making me smile as she was tying her hair up. "Nice hoodie.." I comment playfully and she just rolls her eyes with a small smile. "Thanks, I stole it." She replies and I gasp jokingly and put my hand over my chest. "Elizabeth Olsen a thief.. Who would have thought it. She comes across so sweet and innocent!" I joke making her giggle into the mirror. I pack up my clothes from last night into my bag before zipping it up and leaving it at the bottom of Lizzie's bed. I walked back to the bedside table and checked my phone since I left it on silent last night. I had so many messages but I just shut off the screen for now. "Coffee?" Lizzie's voice catching my attention across the room instantly. "Yes please." I reply as I walked over in her direction and followed her through to the kitchen. My morning already perfect just being here with her..

My Soldier - Coming HomeWhere stories live. Discover now