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"Shouldn't you be getting ready for your training?"

He gave his lover a tired, but loving look as He gave a small sigh. He simply rubbed his thumb against the other man's inner palm, feeling it's roughness from years of grueling kombat.

"I'd rather spend my day with you here in the Fire Gardens."

A small chuckle escaped his beautiful lovers lips, which looked like pure, untouched bliss to him. His jet black, shining hair flowed freely with the wind that tickled and caressed the leaves of the trees, making them look like an entropic, raging fire.

"You know you can't skip a day of training." Said the man, grinning lightly to him. "I can't afford you becoming out of shape."

"Would you stop loving me if I did get out of shape?" He scoffed, his eyebrow raising with false concern. "Perhaps gaining a few more pounds would run you off?"

He received a light smack on the head for that comment, causing him to laugh as a result. His lover laughed as well, before speaking.

"Don't be silly!" He began. "I'd love you however you looked. Wether you were as big as Bo Rai Cho, or as thin as a stick, I'd still choose you a million times over."

"Then, why can't I skip today's training to spend my day with you?"

"Cause I'd prefer you to be in good health so that I don't lose you sooner than I'd like." His lover said, though his tone shifted a bit. His voice sort of cracked a bit as if he were keeping himself from breaking a mask. "I don't want to lose you anytime soon. I want to see my beautiful husband as a mature, old man who will still look like a gift from the Elder God's themselves."

He blushed violently, but still grabbed his beloved's hand softly, instructing him to come closer to him. His head tapped softly against his beloved's, their foreheads connecting lovingly as He spoke.

"You're a gift in my eyes too." He spoke softly. "I'd go to the ends of the universe and travel across time for you if I had to."

Their lips connected softly, their beards softly scratching each other while they melted into each other's warm, soft kiss. He placed his left hand onto the left side of his lover's face, while his right hand landed on the back of his neck, his thumb gently caressing under his ear.

"Go do your training, Kuai..."

He could feel everything around him slowly dissipate...

Everything besides the hand on his face.

"Let's go, Kuai. Everyone's waiting for your arrival."


He could feel himself being shaken lightly, his groggy and tired eyes beginning to crack open. His vision slowly began to focus on the beautiful sight of Hanzo, who'd donned an extremely elegant, yet still daunting outfit.

His dark, long hair had been tied into a bun, while his forehead was covered by a yellow headband. He had trimmed his beard, which would regularly become a bit scraggly and unkept throughout their time here. His usual training clothes were replaced with a much more stunning and well crafted outfit, one that he seemed very comfortable in. Though, he couldn't recall ever having spotted it before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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