A starting point

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Hey! Here's the next update.Thank you all who have been supporting me.

Also if you haven't already, please read the authors note (previous chapter) as it explains a few things concerning this story. I have also edited the first chapter so if you didn't under stand it before, i suggest you go back and read it. Thanks



chapter 9


He's Emeralds father. His words play in my mind like a broken record player.

Emeralds father. Of course. But this doesn't make sense, if he is Emeralds father, than why did he play the role of a child services officer?

"I know that you all have a lot of questions in your mind but please realise that I'm only here to make things right again. I only wish for my daughter to be in happy again."

"So to make her happy, you decide to take Ray away from us." James said.

"I know you all love her but without Ray she has been a zombie." Mr Clark said.

Tension rises in the atmosphere as everyone begin to voice their opinions at once.

"If she was so unhappy without her then why did she leave her with us in the first place?"

"She sounds like a selfish mother."

"Does she not care about Ray's feelings?"

"Ray isn't a toy to play with."

"Where was she all this time?

"She can't just come and take her away and then abandon her when she feels like it!"

"To hell with her! Did she just realise that she was a mother now?!"

"YES! Yes she just realised that she is a mother! That her child is alive!" Mr Clark stands up in frustration as all eyes turn to him in shock.
"It's all my fault. Don't blame my daughter."

"What do you mean?" I said.

Mr Clark sits back down looking at the floor nervously. "She thought her daughter was dead. When she told me of her becoming a young mother things got ... complicated between us. When she was in her last month, she attended a function where unfortunately, two of the pillars fell on top of her. Ray was born a week premature but Emerald suffered from a head injury and was unconscious for a week. During that period, I... don't know what happened to me but,  it seemed like the perfect    opportunity to...get.. to give Ray away without her knowledge. So I gave Ray to a lady who agreed to look after her in exchange, I paid for her husbands operation fees. When Emerald came to consciousness, I lied to her that during the accident she had lost her child. Naturally she didn't just believe me so I hired a few fake nurses and had them confirm the news."

During this revelation, I tightly clench my fists, my head duck down and stand away from the group, leaning against the cold wall to their right. I can't even imagine what Emerald must have gone  through. Whilst she was out there dying and suffering I was here, partying and being obvious to everything. Forget about facing Em - I can't even face myself.
DAMN! I punch the wall repeatedly before Mason (who was the closest to me) rushes over and pulls me away from the wall.
"Aiden STOP! You're only causing pain for your..."
"Pain! Ha! This is nothing in front of what Em has been through. I can't even imagine..., I wasn't even there to comfort her, or tell her it was a lie. Forget that, I was too late and just let her slip away when I should have chased her and explained everything. How can I stop when I'm the one who did this to her?"
" Your not her only sinner, I am as well." Mr Clark said.
"What happened to the lady you gave Ray to?" I wanted to know why me Clark left her in my care.
"She moved to Manchester so she couldn't look after her any more. I searched you up, extracted your address and left Ray in front of your door because as her father I believed you would look after her. I know you weren't as mature but I was hoping that Ray would help you become a better father and look, she changed you all- for the better."
I smiled at this. she certainly did change us all- inside an outside.
"The reason why I came here as a child officer was to make sure she was well looked after and because I missed her."
"Why would you do that to your own daughter?" James surprised us all with his question and we all turned to Mr Clark in anticipation.
"So why tell her now that her daughter was alive?" James said.

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