Chapter 7

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The next couple of days for Louise were, surprisingly, uneventful. She had taken Bug to her classes as she told it, and it followed her orders by taking notes, mostly by copying what was written on the black board.

Well, she assumed that they were taking notes. From the time she'd glance at the notebook she had given it, all it had was the writing in its language, so she didn't know whether it was actually taking notes like she told it to, or it was just doodling into it.

But besides that, they had gone back to the normal routine of going to class and listening to the professor teach about their specific Element or just about Magic in general.

And going back to that routine, meant that the jeers and insults were back.

They even found new ones when she first brought Bug into class, calling her overcompensating for her lack of skills by making her Familiar come to class as well. She figured it was only because they saw her Familiar taking notes.

Besides that, the professors also seemed to avoid picking her to demonstrate most of the time. Which meant there was no chance of her messing up a spell if she wasn't chosen to cast it. Didn't help that if the professors were to call for her to step forward, the others would be very quick to tell them it was a bad idea or that someone else would take her place.

She was being recognised she supposed.

But for these two days, nothing really substantial happened. They simply followed the motions of waking up each morning, heading to class to learn until they had to go back to her room to sleep.

But this 'peaceful' routine, had to come to an end at some point.


"Good Morning Class," A rather rough looking man greeted the gathered students in the classroom. He had a map of brown hair and a pair green eyes, a scowl seemed to be permanently fixed on his face.

Despite that, he stood tall with his attire immaculate. This was their Water Mage professor for the year, Levi the Tide.

Louise and the other students returned his greeting, earning a nod. He held out his wand to the side, muttered something under his breath and levitated the chalk piece. "I'll be continuing my lesson from the last class," he spoke as he conducted the chalk to with his wand "I hope you all been reading up what you're supposed to do?"

There were a few murmurs among the students. Some of them looking away from his green eyes.

Louise herself was one of them, simply content to look down at her notes.

"I'll take the silence as a no," Levi sighed as the chalk finished writing. He lowered his wand before ducking under his desk, a moment later he brought up two jugs and placed them onto the table. He raised his wand and chanted "Ah Qah Vi" he flicked his wand upwards and a thin stream emerged from the jug on the left.

Just as before he moved his wand like a conductor, and the thin stream of water moved as if it were alive. He wasn't even looking at it, instead opting to stare at them all.

It moved in intricate patterns, zipping above the professor's head as he moved the stream effortlessly. Then with a downward flick, it entered the jug on the right with enough speed that it shook.

All the while he stared at them impassively.

"You've all learn how to push and pull water," he said to them "Some of you might even have learn to direct water." He flicked his wand, muttering under his breath, and the chalk began to move once more.

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