Chapter 41

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Wardes watched past the brim of his hat as the Insects lead them towards their destination. The Captain of the Guard, at the request of Count Mott, was beside the carriage that housed the palace messenger.

He noticed from time to time how the Count would look his way from the corner of his eye.

To his discontent, the other guards from the estate were all chatting up any of the Insects that weren't leading them. At least the guards he had with him were professional enough not to speak with the Insects.

He kept quiet as they continued their journey.

Finally, they reached a fork in the road, with a sign that pointed towards Tarbes. With another sign that pointed towards the other direction, but instead of words.

A mess of symbols, each of them seemingly intersecting with each other without any rhyme or reason.

It looked like something bandits would have scribbled on to deter away any unwanted trespassers.

"This, Direction" The one leading them all pointed towards the scribbled post "Close to Hallownest." He turned back towards the group "But cannot lead you now."

"And why is that?" Wardes' hand reached for his weapon "Going to summon more of your Insect friends to ambush us?"

A series of inhuman words escaped the leader Insect's mouth, something which caused Count Mott to cover his mouth that he noticed from the corner of his eye, before the Insect shook its head.

Wardes' grip on his weapon tightened.

"No, no ambush." It pointed a long finger at the forest behind them "Patrol, forest. Job." The last word had the Insect jab its finger towards the trees. Once more it shook its head "All, cannot guide."

Suddenly it snapped in its inhuman voice, and he heard one of other Insects that were in the middle of their group suddenly perk up and rush forward.

It was the nervous pudgy one, and Wardes watched as the two conversed in their language for a good while.

Wardes turned to the Count, and nodded his head to get his attention. When the Messenger looked his way, Wardes lifted an eyebrow and asked "What did that Insect say?"

Instead of a look of concern, or an angry glare. The messenger face blushed and looked away, before he coughed into his fist "It's better if you don't find out."

"Um, Hello!"

The humans turned back to the front, where the pudgy Insect was standing in front of the leader.

It shifted in spot, fidgeting before a smack from the leader Insect caused it to straighten up again. "I am your guide. To lead you to Hallownest."" There was a distinctly feminine tone to how the Insect spoke, enough that Wardes couldn't help but identify it as a 'she'. Her voice was also more fluent than her supposed superior.

Wardes said nothing to the creature.

Count Mott however made a gesture with his hand "A pleasure to have you lead us to Hallownest," He looked her and narrowed his eyes "...Miss?"

"Oh, It is Siesta!" She answered.

Wardes' eyes narrowed.

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