Chapter 42

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"I guess there's no fish to bite today..." An elderly man muttered as he slowly sat up from his spot. He pulled back the fishing line out from the water and reached down towards the small cup of worms that he had brought with him.

As he got to his feet, the man looked out into the lake in front of him. It was a very beautiful lake, the water was a deep blue color. The sun, or moon depending on the time, would reflect perfectly on the water's surface.

The only thing that marred its beauty was the sight of roofs that would peek out from the water's surface. If he squinted a bit, he could even see a church bell in the distance.

After packing up his things, the old man began his long trek back to his cabin.

As he was walking the familiar path, a rather concerning figure was walking towards him.

From how they were on a horse, wore a fancy purple robe, and the bright color of their hair, he could tell that they were a Noble.

As they drew closer, close enough that he could see that it was a young woman, the old man grabbed the tip of his hat and pulled it down slightly while giving a small bow "Fine morning, my Lady," He spoke politely as to not offend her.

The horse stopped moving, and the old man felt his heart jump into his throat when he could feel the eyes staring at him from her elevated spot. Immediately he stared at the ground, hoping to avoid direct eye contact.

He waited, knowing that running wouldn't really do anything, and hoped that she was just a little... unsatisfied with his simple greeting.

After a couple of seconds of nothing happening, the old man carefully looked up from the ground and turned to the young lady on the horse.

With how the sun was shining behind her, it caused her face to almost be hidden in shadow. But that didn't stop him from seeing the cold stare in her orange eyes.

In fact, she seemed to be glaring at him so hard that they were glowing.

He swallowed the spit in his mouth as the young lady continued to stare him without a word.

Then she closed her eyes, before opening them again.

The glare was gone. A dismissive look replaced it, one that was thankfully rather familiar to the old man.

"Is Ragdorian Lake up ahead?" She asked.

"Y-Yes, My Lady," He stammered. And before he could say anything else, she rode past him without another word.

Watching the retreating figure, the old man scratched his head with his fishing pole. He shook his head "Whatever, as long as I don't get in trouble." He walked away.

Unaware of the look of anger present on the face of the Noble.


More than a few of the guards in New Albion's castle moved when they saw the look on the face of Jean-Jacques Wardes, serious and stoic as he usually did. But there was a hint of... excitement in his eyes, that caused those that were used to the Noble to move away as he approached them.

The rest of the guards that had followed him looked the same. There was an energy in their body that they struggled to hold back.

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